My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 875 Bunch Of Cowards

Chapter 875 Bunch Of Cowards


Qin Lu saw the strange smile and felt a chill climbing on his spine as he took a step back, because he was in a hurry he ended up stumbling and falling on the ground. His face was deathly pale as he pointed to the dark corner where he was looking and shouted, " There is something! There is something hiding in the dark! I am not going! Take me back! I demand you all to take me back right now!" 

Seeing him panic like this Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen hurriedly went forward and then helped him up. When Qin Lu saw that Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen were standing next to him, he clutched their arms like they were his life-saving talismans and then said, " I am speaking the truth, Qingzhao, Ah Shen! I just heard someone say that we cannot get out of this place … and then I saw a pair of golden eyes staring at me from that corner, I think…I think something terrible is hiding here. Qingzhao, I think we should go back. Who cares if the crew of the cruise is here or not just take the motorboat and then go back to the city!" 

The more Qin Lu thought about it the more he thought it made sense, no wonder this place was deserted with no one living here. And if this place was not haunted, then how come to the captain and the crew of the cruise vanished into thin air? Wasn't it because there was something on this very island? But if so then doesn't it mean that the thing was also on the cruise?! Doesn't that mean that were not safe even on the cruise?

A bad premonition rose in his heart when he thought of those families whom they could not meet even though they returned from this island. Why did no one say anything after returning? They thought that they were simply tired but how was it possible for not even a single person of those families to step out and tell the truth about this island to them? 

Even if they were tired they would have at least said something right? Just how deeply were they sleeping when they knocked on their doors?

Qin Lu who was holding Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen's arms thought that he seemed to have found the truth of this place which was why he turned to look at the two men and then said in a hurried voice, " I am not lying .. there is indeed something, we need to go back! Even if the cruise is not safe, let's go back…go back to the city." 

He did not care if he was portraying a cowardly image in front of the woman he liked, all he cared about was his own life. After all, he was the only son of his father, if something happened to him what will happen to his father? Would he not die inside after hearing the news of his passing? 

Qin Lu was so regretful that he started slapping himself on the face and muttered, " Stupid. I was so stupid, why did I even think of coming to this rotten place with all of you?" 

The group of teenagers and the adults both looked at the corner where Qin Lu was pointing but they did not see anything. What eyes? Was he not dreaming?

Su Qingzhao and Zou Shen were also helpless as Su Qingzhao took hold of Qin Lu's hands and then said in a hurried voice, " There is nothing Ah Lu. You just scared yourself after falling on the ground and receiving a scare from Master Wang, there is nothing to be afraid of. Alright, there is nothing I assure you!?"

On the other hand, Luo Shan who hardly got along with the arrogant Qin Lu was gloating at the monkey show which Qin Lu was putting on. He looked at Huo Lan who looked annoyed and then said to Qin Lu while snickering at his terrified profile, " Come on Master Qin, don't tell me that the honourable Master Qin of the Qin family only has this small bit of guts. We are already on this island and now you want to go back to the city? Did you not hear what that master told us? As long as we reach the top of the Temple of Jing, we will be able to get any of our wishes fulfilled!" 

However, as soon as Luo Shan spoke of the Temple of Jing, the torch which was in the hands of Su Qingzhao flickered before turning off completely causing them to be covered in nothing but darkness.

" Wah!" Qin Lu who had received the scare of his life jumped in the air as he turned to look around them and then turned to look at Luo Shan who was frowning and snapped at him for being too stupid, " Can't you see that there is something wrong with this temple? Stop saying its name." 

" Temple of Jing! Temple of Jing! Temple of Jing! There you go, see nothing happened——s" As soon as Luo Shan finished speaking he clutched his throat and his eyes rolled in his sockets as he started to fall on the ground, seeing this Qin Lu was so scared that he started to cry.

While Ma Jiu panicked. 

" Ah Shan!" Ma Jiu rushed towards her nephew, even if Luo Shan had an older brother and a second brother, he was the youngest…if something happened to him then her sister will never forgive her! 

However, as soon as she reached Luo Shan who was choking a minute ago clapped his hands and started to laugh loudly as if he was really impressed with the prank that he had played on the others just now. 

" Haha, look at your faces, you all look like you have seen a ghost! You all really don't have any guts! Hahaha, I am the smallest but I still have more guts than you all, what a big bunch of babies." 

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