My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 889 Not Even Body

Chapter 889 Not Even Body

  Seeing that Su Qingzhao remained unmoved, Huo Lan was hopping mad. She wished she could rush up and tear that man's into pieces along with his aunt but the situation in which she was in made it impossible for her to do anything. Huo Lan looked at the group of ghost things which were eyeing her like a three-course meal and then turned to look at the chasm which was filled with water. 

In the end, without thinking over it, she jumped into the chasm hoping that the impact would kill her before she was torn into pieces but who would have thought that the ghost things would jump right behind her causing Huo Lan to scream in pain and terror as she looked at Su Qingzhao and cursed in a loud voice, " I am not going to forgive you, Su Qingzhao, Su Qian. Even if I die, I will be a throbbing boil in your life… one that will hurt you till the day you die!"

With a final blood-curdling screech she fell into the water as the ghost-like things jumped on Huo Lan dying the chasm blood red. 

This was so terrifying that they all took a step away from the chasm and then turned to look away. 

Even Su Qian who was the calmest of all could not help but shudder when she saw that a life was gone like just that. Su Qingzhao, Qin Lu and Zou Shen were scared stiff, they were very glad that they did not hop onto the other side because if they followed Huo Lan then they would have fallen to their deaths as well. 

But they did not have the time to worry about Huo Lan, they all turned to look at the sinister-looking thing which was following them and then shivered in fright as they all increased their pace and continued running. Maybe it was their imagination but the thing behind them looked even bigger than it did before. 

Quivering and panicking, they all ran once in a while they would throw a talisman at that thing but no matter how many times they threw a talisman, the thing was too big to be stopped by mere talismans, it was as if it had grown stronger with the number of lives it had taken...

At this point, Su Qian and the others were filled with rage when they thought of how those who came to this island before them, pushed many lives into the hands of that monster. No wonder they all said that as long as they could climb up the mountains and make a wish everything would come true! It was because they sacrificed more than one life to get what they wanted!

Su Qian looked at the thing behind her and then gritted her teeth when she realised that it was going to catch up to them. Her eyes rolled in her sockets but somehow she managed to pull herself up and continued running, however just as they were turning around, Master Wang fell flat on the face causing others to stop.josei

" Don't ..Don't bother..keep running," Master Wang scrambled to his feet but he knew that there was no point in getting up anymore even if he was to get on his feet that thing might have already caught up to him! 

Su Qingzhao who was the closest rushed to Master Wang and then dragged him away even though Master Wang was a piece of heavy baggage with his less-than-active body he could not leave him alone! They have already seen four deaths, they could not watch another one! 

On the other side of the island, Song Yan, Fu Yu Sheng and Wang Yufan arrived but they were stopped by an invisible barricade. Calling it barricade was a bit too much since it did not stop them from moving but the thing was that they could not find the island which was hidden from them because of the barricade. 

Wang Yufan was hopping anxiously he looked at the blue ocean and then turned to look at Song Yan, seeing that she was frowning he could not help but say, "Sister-in-law was is going on? Why can't we find them?" Song Yan looked at the barricade which was exquisitely designed to keep outsiders away and then said in a soft voice, " There is no need for you to be in a hurry. Let us wait and see, haste makes waste don't you know that already?" 

With her hands working she somehow managed to grab hold of the weak link of the barricade as she started working behind her, Fu Yu Sheng and Wang Yufan watched as Song Yan threw three talismans which floated in the air and then came to a sudden stop as they formed a triangle in the air. 

" Condense!" Song Yan uttered as she finished drawing an array and then threw it in the air causing the entire place to shudder. 

The veil which was hiding the island slowly broke as they all saw how the mist which was covering the place slowly condensed and showed the island which was hidden behind the mist.  I think you should take a look at

" Head straight forward and don't stop," Song Yan commanded as she looked at the blue water before taking out another bunch of talismans and then throwing them at the surface of the water. 

Brilliant white light glowed as the things which were hiding inside the water came to the surface but couldn't fight against the talismans which were thrown into the water by Song Yan. 

When Wang Yufan saw those scary things, he was scared out of his mind but he did not dare to stop as he heard Song Yan say, " Don't think of stopping and continue onwards, these things will try to stop and lure you in the water if you look them in their eyes." 

These ghost things were without redemption since they had eaten human flesh when they were alive which was why they wanted nothing more than possess a human body to live again which was why their glowing eyes were a lot more harmful as they could lure anyone who looked fixedly at their golden eyes. 

Wang Yufan shivered when he heard that those things were this scary, he only took a glance and then continued to manoeuvre the motorboat until they arrived at the island. The second they came to a stop, Wang Yufan saw the shore laden with human limbs and shuddered, what …just what happened here?

He was terrified just thinking about what might have happened to his mother but Song Yan was calm, she took out a stack of talismans and then handed one each to Fu Yu Sheng and Wang Yufan as she said, " Make sure to follow me, don't go awry when I am not looking." 

Having obtained the talismans which Wang Yufan treasured so much he immediately pocketed them and then turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who was standing next to Song Yan and heard him cheekily say, " I will never go awry as long as I am by your side." 

Wang Yufan: "…." Do you have shame?! 


Su Qingzhao and the rest rushed down the cliff, though the thing was bigger than them its speed was much slower which was why they could get away from it. 

As they came to a hidden cave, they all gasped for breath. No one knew for how long they have been running, their legs were shaking and the soles on their foot were slowly turning worn out, they were afraid that if they were to even raise their foot anymore, they will end up falling on the ground and eating dirt. 

Their faces were unsightly as they looked at the empty cave while trying to regulate their breathing, what were they supposed to do now? They all were rich masters and madams, never before had they run like this before, apart from eating and having fun they have suffered like this before what were they supposed to do when faced with such a situation!?

Master Wang had the worst physical strength when compared to others, his lips were pale and he looked like he was going to fall to the ground and at any second, his entire body was covered with sweat and he was panting like a bull, " I am sorry but I cannot run anymore, just leave me alone. Maybe that thing will slow down while eating me, you all can take advantage of that and run away ." 

As he spoke his eyed reddened with grief, he never let down anyone but he had surely let down his nephew this time around. 

Su Qingzhao's eyes were also red as he looked down at the talismans which were slowly running out, he turned to look at his aunt and then said in a sobbing voice, " Aunt, I don't want to die! I don't want to die, aunt! I miss Mom and dad, I am their only son if I die what will my parents do? Will they not collapse in just a day? Wuuu, they will not even find my body."

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