My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 92 Be Shameless About It.

Chapter 92 Be Shameless About It.

Song Yan's face flushed, she was embarrassed and angry but there was nothing she could do about it.  This was the consequence of her actions, she was the one who leaned in closer! Damn! Why! Why this man was the perfect match for her?

Fang Yanli who was watching the show with great interest, slapped her thigh in frustration when Fu Yu Sheng pulled away. Argh, she was so mad and why wouldn't she? This was once in a lifetime opportunity to see the old devil getting kissed and acting like a flustered woman. But then the jerk had to pull away and what was with her master why was she acting like that? She was already teased, wasn't she? She might as pull that man by his collar and smash her god damn lips on his!

Watching her blush like that was so embarrassing! She was dying of second-hand embarrassment! And she was a ghost! A ghost! A goddamn ghost!

Fang Yanli flew next to Song Yan and hissed, " why are you acting like this? You might as well just kiss him—— he teased you, didn't he? So make him pay the interest for teasing you! You are the goddamn spiritual master, don't let a puny mortal spin you around his pinky——"

She was still going on when Fu Yu Sheng tilted his head, though he was old and a father of a child, he took care of his body and with a stylist by his side, he was no less good looking than an idol since the company has to maintain his image.  So, when he tilted his head, those bangs of his fell casually on his forehead and with his tall body, it was a sight to behold.

And if that wasn't enough, he leaned in closer and smiled, "It's not impossible for me to kiss you, but I will have to get some remuneration in return." He closed in a little more and this time not only did Song Yan's heart start to thump even Fang Yanli's non-existent start started thumping. " Why don't you return home, then we will do a lot more than a kiss what do you say?"

Fang Yanli wiped her drool that was trickling down from the corner of her mouth and poked Song Yan in the cheek, " You know what, if you aren't going to agree to that, I might as well do it. I mean that will be a sin to turn this man down, I swear."

Song Yan glared at her and inwardly chided her. ' What does a ghost know about sins?'

The said ghost turned to look at her with a deadpanned expression. ' turning a gorgeous man who is offering his body? Well, that's a sin for me.'

" Hey don't turn your face away from me." He said as he turned her face around so that she was facing him and gave her a  dazzling smile. " Are you coming back with me?" asked Fu Yu Sheng as he closed in until he and Song Yan were on eye level.

" Can you back a little bit?" said Song Yan as her vision turned dizzy, her Yin energy was going all crazy, if she wasn't sane in her mind, she would have jumped on Fu Yu Sheng right here. He was just not playing with her, he was playing a dangerous game! A game that can prove fairly risky and cause a fair divide in Fu Chen's inheritance!

Fu Yu Sheng did move back a little to give her breathing space, however, he didn't back up completely.

She understood that he wasn't going to let the matter drop so she sighed and asked, "Are you going to drop this matter if I come with you?"

" Everyday," said Fu Yu Sheng

" What ?"

" What does that mean?"

" It means that you have to come and see me every day, it can be lunch or dinner or anything." Like the talented businessman he was, Fu Yu Sheng reeled off all the benefits that he wanted.

Song Yan frowned, if she agreed to this doesn't it mean that she will be inviting more trouble to herself? " Once in a while."

" Everyday."

" Once in a week."

" Everyday."

The two of them glared at each other and finally, Song Yan relented. " Fine."

She wasn't at any disadvantage here even though she has to meet him every day and even if she didn't meet him every day who was going to say anything to her? It's not like Fu Yu Sheng was going to drag her out of her house?

Fu Yu Sheng assessed her for two seconds and god knows what he understood in those two seconds because when he pulled away, his lips were curled in a smirk. " Very well then, hand me those bags and get inside the car."

Song Yan huffed and puffed but still handed those bags to him, she wished she could bind him like she did the last time but it was a public place and a shady one at that, Fu Yu Sheng was not a good man and had many enemies who were aiming for his life, if she were to tie him up here. Who knows what will happen?

And honestly, she really didn't fancy becoming a widow so soon.

Fu Yu Sheng watched her head to the car and took out his cellphone as he typed—- " you can come back home."

In the forest of the Amazon, Fu Yu Shen who was fighting with a monkey for a banana, felt his phone buzz as the monkey took the advantage of this distraction and took the banana away.josei

" Hey! You thief! Get back here! God, what kind of world are we living in? Even a monkey is not living an honest life!" complained Fu Yu Shen with a face full of dissatisfaction, but when he read the message on his phone his eyes lit up as tears of joy. He …he can return home soon!!

He shot a gleeful look at the monkey and made a funny face. " blegh, go and that stupid banana! I am going to return home and eat a fine delicacy! Hahahaha!"

That day the third master of the Fu family finally lost his mind.


The reason for Fu Yu Shen's quick return :

Fu Yu Sheng: How should I get my wife back?

A frustrated Fu Yu Shen who was chasing a monkey: Seduce her! SEDUCE HER AND BE SHAMELESS ABOUT IT!

———an: Want a kiss? Then send me a hundred powerstones and I will add a kissy kissy scene soon.

Be my guest and send me a gift!! Now that you have held my hand don't abandon me !!! Author san is shameless yeah!

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