My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 929 Die With Them

Chapter 929 Die With Them


Fu Yu Sheng did not waste any time, the second they arrived at the Fu mansion, he called Fu Xin Chen to come and see him. Even though Fu Xin Chen was Fu Yi Shen's son, he was still better than his father when it came to understanding who his loyalty should be, which was why Fu Yu Sheng allowed Fu Xin Chen to grow without suppressing him as he did with Fu Yi Shen.

" You called cousin Yu Sheng?" Fu Xin Chen arrived at the Fu house in the nick of time, he looked at Song Yan before turning to look at Fu Yu Sheng who was standing on the side of the living room with a calm look on his face and shuddered. He had a feeling that whatever Fu Yu Sheng had to say to him was not anything good as he had never seen Fu Yu Sheng look at him with that gaze. 

" Sit down," Fu Yu Sheng pointed at the couch before moving to the side of the room as he headed to the seat next to Song Yan. 

Fu Xin Chen followed his order and then went to sit on the seat which he pointed at but even so, he couldn't help but peek at Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng, being called by the matriarch and the patriarch of the family——this was nothing good. 

" Xin Chen," Song Yan placed the tea cup that she was holding in her hand and turned to look at Fu Xin Chen before saying, " Do you have any idea what your family is up to from the past few days?" 


Fu Xin Chen was about to pick up the teacup placed in front of him but then he paused after hearing the words which were spoken by Song Yan and then turned to look at the woman sitting in the middle of the long couch and with his heart skittering he asked, "W…what did they do?"

He hoped that his family did not do anything which offended the main branch but of course, his hopes were doomed to fail as Fu Yu Sheng opened his mouth and stated firmly, 

" Grandfather is missing, he was kidnapped this morning. Don't you know?" 

Fu Xin Chen's heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard Fu Yu Sheng's words, he pursed his lips and then shook his head before saying, " I was busy with the new business proposal which was sent to the branch company and did not …did not see my family for a while… I had no idea that something like this happened. I swear." He added succinctly as he looked at Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng. 

He had worked hard for the Fu corporations all his life, he did not wish for his future to be ruined by his family who couldn't get their heads around the reality no matter how many times he tried to explain it to them.

When he saw that neither Song Yan nor Fu Yu Sheng was saying anything, Fu Xin Chen swallowed hard and then asked, " Wha…What did father do this time?" 

" Oh, this time it's not your father," Song Yan smiled as she looked at him and remarked. "It's your sister." 


Fu Xin Chen returned home with a heavy expression, he rubbed his wrist which was still feeling sore after Song Yan proved to him that supernatural stuff existed. As soon as he stepped inside the house, his gaze fell on his mother who was dozing off on the couch but then woke up as soon as he stepped inside the house.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

" Xi Chen! You are finally here!" Lu Jiao had been waiting for her son, the second she saw him, she immediately rushed forward and held onto his arms. " You have no idea what happened today, that Yu Sheng and his wife came to our house and they almost killed Qingyuan." 

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm Clearly, Fu Qingyuan only received a single scar but Lu Jiao was bent on making Song Yan the villain as she explained the situation gravely and exaggeratedly to Fu Xin Chen who sighed and then said, " Mom, I know what happened. The matriarch already informed me." 

He then looked around the house and asked, "Where is Qingyuan?" 

" Ah, she? She is in her room…" Lu Jiao wanted Fu Xin Chen to say something about Fu Yu Sheng and Song Yan but the latter did not even look at her as he pushed her aside and then headed towards the staircase where he climbed two steps at the same time before heading to the room which belonged to Fu Qingyuan. 

Once he came to stand in front of Fu Qingyuan's room, he did not even knock on the door and simply pushed it open.

" Ah! Brother, what are you doing?" Fu Qingyuan looked at Fu Xin Chen with a frown. " How can you even push the door of your sister's room open without knocking." 

" Where is it?" Fu Xin Chen asked without the slightest hint of patience as he looked at his sister who looked back at him with a dazed look. 

" What are you talking about?" Fu Qingyuan asked with a furrowed pair of brows. 

" The mirror, where is it?" Fu Xin Chen pushed Fu Qingyuan aside as he turned his attention and found the door of Fu Qingyuan's wardrobe ajar, he sighed and then stepped toward it.

Seeing Fu Xin Chen head towards the wardrobe, Fu Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat as she said, "What are you doing?" 

" I am setting things right, Qingyuan!" Fu Xin Chen opened the door of the wardrobe and sure enough, he found the mirror sitting inside. He went to pick it up but he was stopped by Fu Qingyuan who stubbornly shook her head and then said, " I am the one who is setting things right! Our father is the elder of the Fu family, he should be the one sitting on the position of CEO of the company!" 

" Qingyuan don't be stubborn and get away!" Fu Xin Chen tried to push Fu Qingyuan but the latter did not budge. Amidst their push and pull, Fu Qingyuan's face twisted as she shouted, " If you are going to support them then you might as well die with them!" 

With that said, she ruthlessly pushed her brother inside the mirror. 

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