My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 936 Severing Ties

Chapter 936 Severing Ties

" Please refrain yourself," said Fang Yanli as she blinked at Huo Huan with a calm look on her face. " I will hate to mess up that below-average face of yours." 

Fang Yanli's sudden appearance made the members of the Fu family stiffen as she did not seem to be affected by the aura of the S-grade talisman but they relaxed when they saw that she was protecting them. 

Huo Huan on the other hand was writhing in pain, even though the ghost did not take her leg away, it did nibble on her foot to the point that the bone inside the flesh could be seen. Blood dripped down from her leg as she clenched the bitten leg and moaned in pain but Fang Yanli did not have any sympathy for her. 

This kind of woman was the scariest. They expected others to help them, because of the extreme pampering from their parents, they thought that the entire world owed them or something. But when it came to the safety and life of others, women like Huo Huan did not have any respect towards them.

Wasn't it because of her taking-for-granted attitude that she was willing to kill the entire Fu family? As long as she was safe everyone could just die. 

Fang Yanli then turned to look at the members of the Fu family who huddled closely together when they saw her looking at them. Seeing them act so scared, Fang Yanli was speechless, she pursed her lips and then stated in a quiet voice, " You don't have to be scared of me, Song Yan was the one who sent me and I am here to take you all back." 

With that she pulled out the pearls and handed them to Fu Yu Shen and the rest, Fang Yanli then turned to look at Huo Huan and then said, " Do you wish to stay here? Or are you going to come back with us?" 

Though she said that, she did not pay any attention to Huo Huan nor did she help her to get up from the floor. Huo Huan knew that no one was going to help her which was why even though the pain was coursing in her entire body, she still pursed her lips and tried to push herself off the floor before taking the last pearl which Fang Yanli handed to her. 

As soon as the last pearl was snapped off the golden string, the thread glowed with vibrant light and elongated before entwining together. Fu Yu Shen, who was standing at the front of the line looked down at the pearl which had turned into an elongated burning torch with a golden flame and then turned to look at Fang Yanli before asking, "What is this?" 

" This is your medium which will help you get out of this place," she explained patiently. " Hold onto it tight when you walk out of this dimension as the turbulence will be high between the two worlds… and do not try to rush out of this dimension when it's not your turn. Who entered first will leave first and the one who was last will be the last to leave, if you dare break the line then you will be locked in this place forever."  josei

She added when Fang Yanli noticed the flickering of Huo Huan's eyes. 

No sooner did her words fall, Huo Huan stiffened and looked at Fang Yanli who ignored her and then turned to the rest of the Fu family members and said, " Now please follow me." 

She then turned on her heels and then headed towards the exit of the second dimension scaring away the rest of the ghosts as they were too terrified of approaching a ghost whose cultivation was so high. It did not take long for everyone to come out of the ghost dimension, one by one they stepped inside the corridor and then turned to look at Song Yan.  I think you should take a look at

"Sister-in-law!" Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong simultaneously cried as Fu Rong rushed to hug Song Yan and sobbed, " I was so scared … something almost ate me bohooo." 

She wanted Song Yan to mend her broken heart but instead of hugging and coaxing her, Song Yan stepped away and glanced at Fu Rong in disgust. 

" You smell really bad, Rong'er … wait until you have bathed before hugging me." 

Fu Rong: "….." This world is filled with fake love.

On the other hand, Fu Xin Chen was looking at Fu Qingyuan and then turned to look at Song Yan before asking, "Sister-in-law, wh…what happened to her?" 

Song Yan merely glanced at Fu Qingyuan who had fainted earlier and explained the entire thing to Fu Xin Chen again. She told him how Fu Qingyuan had used up all her life force as well as her fortune from now on she was only going to suffer. In the future, forget about living an extravagant life, it will be hard for her to even live a normal life as her actions were going to rebound on her very soon.

Once her remaining life force was used up, Fu Qingyuan was going to die.

" It will be better for you to stay away from her, if she stays with you then the consequences of her actions will rebound on you and your family as well," Song Yan stated with a cold voice. "It's better if you simply send her away to some old age home and leave her to die." Of course, there was a little something she had packed for Fu Yu Sheng's third uncle as well but she was not going to tell this to Fu Xin Chen lest the latter hindered her.

If this was before Fu Xin Chen would have felt something for his sister but after seeing her ruthlessness when she pushed him inside the mirror, Fu Xin Chen no longer had the same feelings for his sister anymore. Nor did he have the heart to save her either. 

So, he brought Fu Qingyuan to the house and told his parents everything that Fu Qingyuan had done and the reason why she looked even older than Lu Jiao, her mother. 

" I will be booking a ticket for the J city for Qingyuan," he told his crying mother. " She will be leaving in three days, do what you want till now." 

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