My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 940 A Romantic Idiot

Chapter 940 A Romantic Idiot

" Yan Yan, do you think that there is something wrong with this cooking channel ?" Su Qian still remembered the terrifying feeling when she was jolted awake from the daze in which she went after watching this cooking channel. She casually stumbled on this streaming room when she was surfing the Internet, even though she had many cooks and chefs working for her, Su Qian still liked to cook something for her family once in a while. 

Like always she was searching for a cooking channel where she could learn something new, it was then when she found this channel and with her curiosity piqued, she tapped on it but who would have expected that after watching the channel, she will suddenly start craving meat? If her cravings were only limited to meat then Su Qian would have not been worried but that night she actually ended up in her bedroom with a knife while looming down at her husband!

It was all thanks to the burning talisman that snapped her out of the daze and she was able to stop herself just in time, if that knife had fallen who knows what would have happened?

Song Yan pursed her lips, her eyes continued to focus on the hands of the woman. Even though the disguise of the other person was immaculate, Song Yan was able to see through her disguise as it wasn't a human but a ghost who had swallowed a bunch of yang energy and advanced to becoming a poltergeist which was why, it could act and touch things like humans. 

Her eyes narrowed slightly before she blocked the streaming room and turned to look at Su Qian and said, "It will be better if you no longer look at the streaming room, Madam Wang." She even took out a soul-cleansing talisman and handed it to Madam Wang before saying, " You should keep these talismans close for the next three days and keep your phone locked up as you will get the desire to watch the cooking channel once again." 

When Su Qian heard Song Yan's words, she was scared stiff and hurriedly took the talisman that Song Yan was handing to her and thanked her for her help. 

Once Su Qian left Song Yan took out her phone and downloaded the app on which Su Qian found the cooking channel which was using human meat as an ingredient. She carefully watched a small video where the female ghost was cooking the human meat making what she called meatballs and suddenly felt a trance taking over herself. But because she was a celestial master that trance did not take over her completely and she was still able to snap out of it. 

" This is not good," she muttered as she closed the app and exited it. 

" Whats not good?" Fu Yu Sheng who returned from his work questioned Song Yan. He placed his bag on the couch and then kissed her on the cheek before sitting next to her and asking, "What's not good?" 

"It's nothing, someone is making trouble and nothing more," Song Yan replied to him before asking, " How was work today?" 

" It was all right," stated Fu Yu Sheng just as butler Ke came with a cup of tea and handed it to Fu Yu Sheng. He first took a sip of tea from the cup which was handed to him and then added, " But Assistant Xi asked for your help, he said that one of his cousins seemed to have fallen for a ghost and wants to marry her."  I think you should take a look at

  " A ghost? Does the cousin not know that it's a ghost?" Song Yan asked in confusion as she did not expect to hear something like this, after all, how can a human even marry a ghost? 

Fu Yu Sheng smiled wryly and then remarked, " He does know that the woman is a ghost but from what I heard that female ghost is really beautiful and talented. Assistant Xi told me that his cousin always wanted a girl who was skilled in everything which is why despite that woman being a ghost, he wishes to marry her and take her as his wife." 

Song Yan: "…." I thought I have seen many idiots but every time I get a new case, I realise that I underestimated the foolishness of humans.

She took a deep breath while rubbing her forehead and asked, " What is that cousin's family's take on this? Are they willing to let their son marry a ghost?" 

" Of course not," Fu Yu Sheng replied with a shake of his head as he picked up a macaroon and then placed it inside his mouth. " They want to send the female ghost away but their son is being stubborn and from what assistant Xie told me, it seems like the female ghost is not without any powers. She is stronger than most ghosts as their family had called for many celestial masters but none of them was able to send that female ghost away which is why assistant Xi came to ask me for your help."

" Tell Assistant Xi to pick me up tomorrow morning," said Song Yan as she threw her phone aside before picking up the macaron from the plate in front of them. " I have nothing to do tomorrow morning so I can go and take a look at this cousin of his." 

With that, she took a bite of the macaron and chewed it slowly but unfortunately for her, a few pieces of the macaroon got stuck on her lips which attracted Fu Yu Sheng's attention. The passionate blood of a young man soared inside him and before Song Yan could take another bite, the man next to her picked her up in his arms and started carrying her to their bedroom. 

" What are you doing?" She yelped in surprise while looking at Fu Yu Sheng whose expression was full of mischievousness which told her that he did not have anything good planned in his head. 

In response to her question, the man turned to look at her and smirked, " What can I do? My wife looks delectable."  josei


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