My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 951 Trace It Down —-2

Chapter 951 Trace It Down —-2



" You ate a human?" Wu Jin looked at the woman in front of him in disgust, how can someone do something disgusting? What's more, she even reported it to the police and acted like she was the victim! 

Song Yan on the other hand was fairly calm after listening to the testimony of the woman as she had already expected this —— though Wu Jin and the rest believed that there was no way a mother would eat her own children but there was a lot of things that they haven't seen. 

When she was living as a ghost, she saw an elderly scarifying his entire family all because he wanted to stay alive as long as possible. He killed his son, grandson and great-grandson and ate their hearts all to maintain his life force by eating his family's lives. Compared to that this case was still on the tamer side as the woman did it under someone's possession. 

Cao Chen nodded as she raised her hands and covered her face before she spoke in a sobbing voice, " I did, I don't know what took over me but I just couldn't stop myself. I killed my husband and my children—— I was afraid that I will do much worse which was why I called the police but … but I lost control once again. I am scared… I am so scared officer. I don't know what is going on with me." 

She did not wish to call the police but Cao Chen knew that she somewhere in her heart that she was becoming a menace especially after she killed and cooked her youngest son. Though she couldn't control her body, her conscience was alive somewhere which was why she called the police to stop herself, she wanted to surrender but her body was not in control of her mind, everything that she did was completely against her will! 

" Do you remember anything before everything took place?" Song Yan asked the woman. Hearing her question, Cao Chen raised her head and looked at her in surprise, " believe me?" 

Song Yan nodded and stated calmly, " I do. I just cleared off the malicious qi surrounding your body and from the looks of it, it was the malicious qi which made you kill your family. But it is possible that there are many like you, so why don't you tell me what led to all of this, wouldn't you want an explanation?" 

" I… don't remember anything," Cao Chen thought for a while before she replied after three minutes. She blinked her eyes and then continued speaking in a quiet voice, " I only know that a few weeks ago my daughter told me that my cooking was getting bland. I felt a bit bad and started looking for new recipes when I stumbled on a cooking channel and then saw a recipe for pork chops aft…after that…" She frowned and stopped speaking but this was enough for Song Yan to get an idea. 

She took out her phone and tapped on the live streaming app before she tapped the streaming room which Su Qian showed to her and turned the screen towards Cao Chen as she asked, " Is this the channel that you are speaking about?" 

Cao Chen looked at the channel which was displayed in front of her and then nodded in a daze. "That's right, it's this one. But how do you know it?" She questioned.  I think you should take a look at

"It's nothing," though Song Yan had a feeling something was going on behind the scenes she did not say anything to Cao Chen as she wasn't clear of the situation yet. Seeing that Song Yan was done questioning Cao Chen, Wu Jin asked his officers to bring Cao Chen to prison, no matter what the cause she killed her family and had to serve her sentence, at most he will make her sentence light and change it to lifetime imprisonment instead of execution. 

"What's going on?" Once Cao Chen left with the officer, Wu Jin turned to look at Song Yan and asked. "What is the matter with this cooking channel?"  he did not think that Song Yan would ask to bring up this live-streaming channel for no reason. 

Song Yan had a frown on her face as she pursed her lips and then stated in a quiet voice, " I stumbled on this streaming room because one of my acquaintances felt that something was wrong with it. I watched one of the videos which were saved on this channel and surprisingly enough I did feel a sudden urge to eat human flesh." 

She paused and then added,  " But I am unlike other humans and was able to break through this sudden urge quite quickly but I don't think that others will be able to do it so easily." 

When Wu Jin heard that someone was out there hoodwinking the common citizens into eating human flesh, he felt his head buzz. No wonder there was a sudden increase in the kidnapping and disappearance cases, this was the reason behind it! 

He noted down the name of the live-streaming room and then immediately asked one of the officers to go and take a look at what was going on. As long as there was any link which would lead them close to the culprit, he was willing to take a look at it. 

" Thank you for helping sister-in-law, I will keep an eye on the situation and notify you as long as we find something," it would take a few days before they could track the IP address thus there was no point in making Song Yan wait. 

" You don't have to hurry, since it has gotten this bad already I don't think it will be easy to solve this case in just a few days. Just keep an eye on things and don't rush ahead without contacting me," she told Wu Jin as she was worried that he and his team would make a move as soon as they catch hold of the IP address. 

" Aww sister-in-law, you act so coldly but looks like you have a heart of gold!" Wu Jin was quite touched when he saw Song Yan worrying over his and his officers' safety. 

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