My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 953 Gu Family’s Auction ——2

Chapter 953 Gu Family’s Auction ——2

Fu Yu Sheng patted Song Yan on her back and then stated, " Yu Shen is right, that family will regret handing the case to that foolish woman." 

As he spoke his eyes fell on the golden tickets that she was holding in her hand and then asked, " Whats this?" 

" These are the tickets to attend the auction held by the Gu family sect," Song Yan's eyes flashed as she placed the tickets in front of Fu Yu Sheng and asked, "Did our family receive one from the Gu family? As far as I know that these tickets were commonly sent to our house every now and then before Master Chenyi took me as his disciple right?" 

Fu Yu Sheng naturally knew of this auction as every year the Gu family would hold an auction and in that auction, they will auction off many resources which were quite beneficial for the Celestial masters. This auction was so grand that celestial masters from all over the country came to attend this auction even the ones who were practising black arts tried to sneak in sometimes.  josei

The temptation was that big. 

Though in the past when these tickets were sent to their house, they all went to waste as neither of them attended the auction which was why Fu Yu Sheng did not pay attention to this small thing but now that Song Yan asked, he realised that he indeed did not see any tickets being sent to their family by the Gu sect. 

" Butler Ke," Fu Yu Sheng turned to look at the capable butler of the Fu family and asked, " Did we receive any tickets?" 

Butler Fu looked at Fu Yu Sheng and then glanced at the tickets before shaking his head in reply as he said, " No, I am afraid that no such thing arrived in the post, Second master." 

When Fu Yu Sheng heard this, he thought of calling the Gu family but was stopped by Song Yan as she said,  "There is no need, the one who stopped those tickets is Shen Yu. Even if you call them now, the department will only agree verbally but they will ignore your call under Shen Yu's orders." 

Without Shen Yu backing them from behind the Gu sect members would not have dared to do something like this and because she knew that Gu Chenyi was avoiding his grandfather, Shen Yu was not scared of getting caught either.

If this was before Song Yan would have ignored it but this time around she wanted to buy a nice pill furnace as the one she bought last time was too old which was why Shen Yu's little actions cannot be ignored what was more she had to stop Shen Yu from getting any more power in her hands, that woman did not even deserve cleaning the stairs of the Gu sect much less become the madam of the Gu family. 

Her eyes flashed with anger as she looked at the tickets and then said to Fu Yu Sheng, " Free up your schedule we need to show someone where she belongs and why she shouldn't have messed around with our family."  I think you should take a look at

Though the Gu family was powerful they relied on the materialistic world as well, if they did not need resources and connections then they wouldn't have sent the tickets to the Wang family and yet Shen Yu dared to offend one of the four families of their city? She had to be joking! 

And Song Yan was very much willing to deliver the end of the joke! 

When Fu Yu Sheng saw that Song Yan was brimming with anger and fighting spirit, he did not say anything and simply agreed while lighting a candle in his heart for Shen Yu. Of all people, she had to offend Song Yan? Was she trying to court the lord of hell instead of death? 

Three days later, the two of them arrived at the auction house with the tickets that were handed to them by Wu Jin. Because those tickets were gold plated, the guards were very much respectful as they brought Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng to the top of the building where there were private balconies filled with many comforts. 

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm There was even a small LED screen propped on a stand to show what was going on on the first floor. This was the first time Song Yan was entering the auction house of the Gu family and had to admit that the preparations were done rather well. Her eyes fell on Shen Yu who was smiling widely when she was speaking with someone and her lips curled up in a beaming smile. 

As if sensing her gaze, Shen Yu looked up and saw Song Yan. Her body momentarily stiffened before she excused herself from the gentleman who was speaking to her and then went somewhere rushing. Seeing her leave, Song Yan was not in a hurry to deal with her.

She was mainly here to buy the pill furnace and not embarrass Shen Yu, that was her secondary goal thus, she calmly sat down and then picked up the champagne flute glass and drowned the champagne.

" It seems she went to have us escorted out," commented Fu Yu Sheng as he watched Shen Yu leave in a hurry. " But why is she in such a hurry? She could have at least let us eat some refreshments, right?" 

Song Yan glanced at Shen Yu who was talking with the guard at the door and pointing at the extended balcony where she and Fu Yu Sheng sat before stating calmly, " Thats because she is worried that others will come to find out that I am Gu Chenyi's disciple. Once my identity is known, she will have to share the limelight and most probably she is somewhere aware of the fact that I am more skilled than her which is why she is threatened. As for escorted out…" she turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and asked, " Will we get escorted out?" 

Fu Yu Sheng scoffed, " There is no place from where my wife can be escorted out." As he spoke he took out his phone and made a call. " I will like to see who dares without getting escorted themselves." -

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