My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 980 Because He Wants To Kill You

Chapter 980 Because He Wants To Kill You


" M…Meiqing…" It was his sister's head, with her eyes missing from her socket, the head of his sister was lying on the ground of the cottage.  In the afternoon, Father Xi still had some hope left in his heart, he thought that he was misunderstanding something and was most probably overthinking. He even thought that even if his sister was caught by that ghost, she might be just caught and trapped by the ghost and was still alive.

But upon seeing the chopped head of his sister, Father Xi was filled with regret but more than regret he was filled with fear. Something came trickling down his pants and stained the entire ground but Father Xi was too terrified to even think about it. 

The ghost outside did not hear Father Xi's voice and in turn her voice continued to turn even more sinister as she continued to bang on the door of the cottage. The more she banged the fiercer the sound of the banging became, seeing that the malicious ghost was not giving up Father Xi's heart started to pound in his chest. He looked left and right trying to think of a place to hide but the cottage was just a simple building with four walls and a large empty surface to store more and more hay. 

There was not a single place to hide! 

Father Xi wanted to run out of this place but he knew that there was no point, his car was taken away by his wife and they were not rich afford to buy another one What was more for some reason his neighbors couldn't hear his cries for help either. Even if he were to go outside from whom would he ask for help? 

He turned his phone on and tried to call his wife wanting to ask her whether or not she had found the celestial master they were looking for or not. But no matter how many times he dialled the number of his wife nothing happened, what was more even text messages couldn't be sent! 

Seeing this Father Xi turned even more desperate, his terror reached its peak as he looked at the cottage door. 

" Dad, I am going to say this one last time, open the door or else I will open it for you," the malicious ghost banged her hand on the cottage door one last time before she snarled angrily, " Your son is hungry and as his father, you need to feed him properly. If you come out now then I will be kind towards you. But if you don't then don't blame Sang'er for being ruthless later, all right?" 

Father Xi would be crazy if he opened the door now, he stayed quiet pretending to be dead. Seeing his lack of response, Lady Yan smiled—- her face which was illuminated with a glowing white light suddenly turned gloomy as her entire face twisted. She turned to look at Xi Sang who was panting like a mad dog and then patted him on the head as she ordered, " Break the door." 

It was as if this was the order that Xi Sang had been waiting for all along, he raised the chainsaw in his hands and then placed it on the wooden door of the cottage. With a gust of wooden debris and dust, Xi Sang started to cut the door in half.  I think you should take a look at

By the time Father Xi realised what was happening, his son had cut open the door while the malicious ghost was sitting on his shoulders with a wide smile on her face.

When Father Xi raised his head and looked at the woman whose usual face was even more beautiful than many other women he had seen in his entire life but now he was shocked to see that her beautiful face was nowhere to be seen. 

The white skin had turned dark and swollen, what was more there were moss and puss-filled boils on her face. Her dark lush hair was gone replacing it was a bald head and there were maggots wriggling on her skin!  josei

When Father Xi saw the true face of the malicious spirit, he was so terrified that his vision turned black and he almost couldn't breathe. Was this the beautiful and filial daughter-in-law for whom his son was going crazy for? Despair filled his heart causing him to almost faint—— his entire body was trembling so much that he was on the verge of fainting. 

" D…Don't kill me, don't kill me!" He cried with one of his hands outstretched as he looked at Xi Sang. His face was covered in tears and snot while looking at his son, he hoped that Xi Sang would snap out of his daze but nothing. 

With the chainsaw in his hands, he stepped closer to him with a smile on his face. When Father Xi saw that his son was not stopping, all the blood drained from his face and cold sweat started to trickle down his face.

He tried to get up but his legs seemed to have turned into jelly, he couldn't even move them much less get up from the ground. Yellow liquid dripped down from his pants and onto the floor as his lips started to tremble and he cried incoherently as if he had lost control of his tongue, " Don't….Don't kill me! I beg you, please. Please …please, I am his father! I am his father!" 

Father Xi, a grown man kowtowed in front of the ghost with tears and snot trickling down his face miserably. 

However, no matter how much he cried, nothing happened. If anything the ghost cackled as if she was enjoying a wonderful show and then eerily stated, "Father-in-law, if your son had even an ounce of respect and care for you then nothing like this would have happened… the reason he is so at ease about killing you …is that he wants to see you die. Ahahahaha!" 

The creak of laughter echoed in the surroundings followed by Father Xi's scream and the buzzing of the chainsaw. 

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