My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses

Chapter 167 A MAN OF WORD PART 15

Chapter 167 A MAN OF WORD PART 15

Chapter 167 A MAN OF WORD PART 15

"Oh, you found out so easily, my wife. It looks like I cannot let you go any more," saying that Ge Chen pulled her closer.

Xue Lin immediately started struggling to get away from him while saying frantically, "Don’t be scarier than a horror movie! Mommy, help me!" She had a habit of calling for her mother whenever she faced any danger.

It didn’t help her much though as Ge Chen refused to let her get away from him. He placed his chin on her head and said, "Even if you call for your mother-in-law, do you really think she will come and help you?"

"Ah! Don’t remind me how pitiful I am," Xue Lin lamented. This time though, she noticed that he didn’t have any evil intention like last night. So, she let him hug her. However, she placed both of her hands on his chest so that their upper bodies wouldn’t touch.

Ge Chen announced, "You are not pitiful. You have me by your side."

"Yeah, to eat my tofu, you swindler!" Xue Lin grunted.

Ge Chen smirked and asked, "Then would you rather a middle-aged woman eat your tofu?"

Xue Lin squeezed her eyes shut in disgust. "Oh, please don’t remind me of that nightmare. At that time, I thought my soul was going to leave my body. I was practically saying goodbye to all kinds of food."

"In the end food is all you can think of," Ge Chen shook his head helplessly. "At least remember me sometimes."

Xue Lin seemed puzzled as she raised her head and looked at him. "Isn’t it obvious? I can clearly live without you but without food, I’ll die in less than a month."

Ge Chen calculated and then pointed out her mistake. "With the condition of your health, I don’t think it’ll take a month. It’ll mostly take a week."

Xue Lin narrowed her eyes and asked in a threatening manner, "Hey, are you cursing me or something?"

Ge Chen confessed firmly, "There is no way I will do that. Although you can live without me, I cannot live without you."

However, Xue Lin didn’t buy his romantic line. She responded dully, "My husband, when it comes to me, flattery won’t get you anywhere."

"I’m not flattering. I’m telling the truth," Ge Chen calmly retorted.

Xue Lin pondered for a while before sharing her opinion. "Why does it look like you have changed ever since I came back from the hospital? You talk more than before too. I liked the quiet aura you had around you before."

Ge Chen paused before answering, "I have realized that our lives are short and we can die at any moment. So I thought of making every day of our lives special for both of us."

Ge Chen’s mind went back to that scary time once again. At that time, he was truly scared. Xue Lin lost an excessive amount of blood because of her leg injury and the doctor said that her leg would be paralyzed forever. He couldn’t let that happen and so he forcefully abducted Grandpa Lu and brought him back with him. Fortunately, her leg was saved and her scars were all gone.

He wanted to destroy whoever had done it to her but someone beat him to it. He kept looking for a clue as to how things turned into a massacre that night but he couldn’t gather any clue whatsoever. While keeping an eye on his wife, he was still looking to unearth the identity of the mysterious unknown helper.

Xue Lin could understand his worry. For both of them, they were the closest to each other. It would be sad if one of them had to leave another one behind. She assured him, "I’m completely fine with the way we are progressing. You don’t have to fight it. Let me flow like water."

"I will do that." Ge Chen nodded in agreement. He didn’t want to oppose his wife and spoil her mood and this moment they were sharing. He changed the subject and added, "I had a question. What should we bring to your house tomorrow? As your husband, I should give your family some presents since I am meeting them for the very first time."

Xue Lin didn’t like the idea. She told him, "Why bother wasting money like that? I don’t think we will be welcomed warmly. I was actually thinking of buying a pair of helmets and baseball bats for our protection."

Ge Chen patted her shoulders and reassured her, "You are thinking way too much. I don’t think they are that irrational." josei

Xue Lin was puzzled. She inquired, "Why do you have such blind faith in them?"

Ge Chen quietly stated, "It’s because they are your parents."

Xue Lin let out a dry laugh. "Even I wouldn’t blindly believe in your father, you know."

Ge Chen diverted her attention, "Don’t worry about tomorrow. Focus on tonight’s competition. Tonight, all the customers will vote for the best host. Even though Louis has had too many customers so far, you cannot get nervous and keep your eyes on the goal."

Xue Lin moved away from him and told him, "Your wife isn’t a child. I can deal with a womanizer."

"I know, good luck," he unexpectedly kissed her forehead.

"Eek!" Xue Lin sprinted away from him while covering her forehead.


The host club was bustling with women’s laughter and voice. It was a women’s paradise where they could do whatever they wanted. It was more like a home to them where they could be themselves.

The host club was divided into two groups. One was of the middle-aged women who were Mo Xuan’s supporters and group two was of the young ladies who were Louis’ supporters.

Naturally, young ladies were more in number and they were causing quite a ruckus.

Xue Lin felt like slapping duct tapes on their lips so that everything would be quieter.

Tonight, it will be decided once and for all, who the best host really is.

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