My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses




"What did you say?" second uncle asked. He was dumbfounded.

He wasn’t the only one; others were also clueless. Since it was completely unexpected and unpredictable news, everyone’s brain was slow.

The servant cried out, "Young Master Banshan isn’t moving."

The eldest uncle came out of the daze and suggested urgently, "Let’s check it out."

"Let’s go," second uncle nervously agreed and they stepped out of the room along with Xue Lin’s male cousins and brothers-in-law.

The room was full of chaos. The guests hurriedly got out of the room and followed the eldest uncle and second uncle.

When Wanwan heard that her husband wasn’t moving, her legs became weak and her blood turned cold.

Her body swayed and she collapsed on the cold floor.

The female guests screamed and so did second aunt. They immediately carried her and put her on the bed.

Xue Lin didn’t waste another time on Wanwan. She tugged Ge Chen’s hand.

Ge Chen silently gazed at her and then they went out of the room. They followed where others went.

Only the close relatives entered Yu Banshan’s room. They were all men. They closed the door of the outer room as soon they saw Yu Banshan lying on the floor.

Because of that, others couldn’t go to the inner room.

They seemed too quiet. It felt ominous.

Some guests knocked on the door but called out from outside but no one answered.

"I know a place," Xue Lin whispered.

The two of them exchanged glances and sneaked out of the house. They went to the backyard.

It was already dark and no one noticed them. They went inside through the balcony and saw that her four cousins and two brothers-in-law put Yu Banshan on the bed. They were cleaning the mess.

The eldest uncle and second uncle were talking. Eldest uncle was patting his younger brother.

"What happened here?" Xue Lin asked from the balcony.

They were startled by her sudden appearance.

Her eldest brother (cousin) hissed, "Xue Lin, you shouldn’t have come here."

"Don’t worry, I’m not scared or anything. I’m not my fifth brother," Xue Lin casually said and stepped toward Yu Banshan’s lying body.

She held his wrist and checked his pulse. She closed her eyes and sighed. "He is dead," she announced. "His body is still warm. It means he died some moments ago."

"How did he die? Did he have a heart attack?" Ge Chen inquired.

"He didn’t have a heart problem," second uncle informed them. He sat on a chair. His face looked pale.

"I think we should call off the wedding. We can’t have a wedding when Banshan just died," second brother suggested.

"I-I will do that," second uncle stood up but he collapsed. He never thought that he had to experience his son-in-law’s death when his daughter was pregnant.

"Uncle!" third brother, Richard, was close to him. He quickly caught him and assisted him to sit down. "Stay here; you don’t have to go anywhere. We will handle it."

"I’ll take care of the guest," the eldest uncle said.

First brother-in-law stated, "I’ll assist you, father-in-law."

"We need to call a doctor too," second brother suggested.

"Hold on, you guys don’t think it’s a normal death, do you?" Xue Lin asked. She was still sitting on the bed, beside the dead body.

Others looked at her and the eldest uncle questioned her, "Xue Lin, what do you mean by this?"

"He never had a heart disease. He didn’t have a heart attack. He was sitting on a chair just like a normal person as per the servant said and he suddenly died like a soul eater took his soul away without letting him do anything," Xue Lin narrated the reason she was being suspicious.

Her first brother-in-law looked a bit frustrated, "Are you saying that it’s not a normal death? Xue Lin, just mind your own business, okay? You read too much thriller and that’s why you are speaking nonsense. Will just go away and let the men handle it?"

"Watch your language when you talk to my wife," Ge Chen warned him in a low tone. His eyes were dangerously cold. He couldn’t stand it when others insulted her or disrespected her. She was only here to help, not to play around.

First brother-in-law halted. He cowered under Ge Chen’s gaze and mumbled, "Sorry, I didn’t mean it."

Ge Chen expressed his opinion, "I also believe that it’s too much of a coincidence that he died when he had no health issue. I will call the police."

"Why are you trying to make it look like a crime scene? This isn’t a TV show!" This time, first brother shared his point of view, "It’s a normal death and that’s why we are still quiet. Leave it be."

"I wouldn’t say that if I were in your position. There is a bed mark on the right side of his neck. It’s tiny but visible. Someone deliberately injected something on his neck. That could be the cause of his death," Xue Lin moved the collar of Banyan and showed it to everyone.

While others were talking, she was checking the dead body and discovered this small wound.

"I’m calling the police," Ge Chen acted immediately.

Others’ faces turned pale. They couldn’t even imagine that someone murdered Yu Banshan.

"H-how’s is this possible?" second uncle clutched his heart and his expression twisted.

"Brother, take deep breaths," eldest uncle hurriedly said. He rubbed second uncle’s heart but it wasn’t working.

Richard fanned him with a book. He couldn’t get anything else.

"I’ll call for an ambulance," second brother-in-law took out his cell phone.

Xue Lin looked around and frowned. "Why don’t I see third brother-in-law? Shouldn’t he be here right now?"

"I called him but he didn’t answer," first brother replied.

"I’ll go and check out of him and tell others about the situation," Richard declared. josei

"I will go with you. We have to call off the wedding," fourth brother said.

Soon after, Richard’s cell phone rang. He answered the call and said, "Look, it’s not the right time.... Say what?!"

His shout made others focus on him. Seeing his expression, they thought what could be worse than Yu Banshan’s death news.

Richard hung up and announced, "Third brother-in-law was found dead on the rooftop."

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