My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses



Xue Lin looked at him timidly. "You really won’t eat me?"

"I won’t." Ge Chen said in his mind, ’Not now, at least.’

"...So, you were kidding..." She carefully said without moving her eyes away from him. She thought if she even blinked, he would jump and eat her alive.

"Yes, I was. Let’s go out. You don’t want to sit here all night, do you? Don’t you want to have a walk with me?" Ge Chen opened the door of the car and held out his arm.

"Next time you try to scare me like that, I’ll drown you in the lake." Xue Lin pouted feeling she was being played and warned him.

"I’ll try my best to hold back." Ge Chen’s eyes flashed in amusement. He didn’t have any interest in holding back but he didn’t want his wife to discover his thought. After he confirmed, only then she grabbed onto him and they came out. Ge Chen handed the key to Louis’ employee and walked side by side with Xue Lin.

They walked on the bridge. Under the bridge was a river and two boats were crossing the river. The couple intertwined their hands and strolled around. The fresh air took away Xue Lin’s dizziness and serenity enveloped her. She suddenly commented, "This city has changed a lot in three years." josei

"Where did you stay when you came here?"

"In a small neighborhood. I was born in this city and grew up here."

"Did you? I thought you lived in Yinchuan."

"That’s where my father was born and all the relatives live there. I used to go there whenever I had a summer or winter vacation. I think they moved there after I left for France."

"Which school did you study at?"

While they were talking, Xue Lin’s cell phone chimed. She looked at the screen and saw that she received an email from the school. She had been accepted and was asked to join tomorrow. She stopped walking and almost pulled Ge Chen. "Chen, I got the job!" She excitedly jumped and grinned ear to ear. She looked completely different from her usual self.

��Congratulations! I knew you would be approved." Ge Chen’s eyes held warmth. He would never let her drink in front of others. When the first time he saw her drunk state, she didn’t show this side to him. He could tell that behind her poker face, there was a childish side to her. She only showed it to those she trusted. He felt better realizing that Xue Lin believed in him too. Nothing could make him merrier.

"Let’s have a hotpot tomorrow. My treat." Xue Lin was swinging their intertwined hands back and forth. She couldn’t control her excitement.

"Sure, I would love to join you." He understood that she generously spent money for others when she was in a good mood.

"Let’s hurry. I have to wake up tomorrow early." Xue Lin pulled Ge Chen.

"That’s the wrong direction." Ge Chen corrected her and took her to the direction of home.


The next day, Xue Lin woke up with a hangover and she cupped her head. ’My head is tearing apart.’ When she got out of bed, she tripped and fell. She took her time to stand up and went to the bathroom. The cold shower swept away her tiredness and half of the pain. As her head cleared and she could think properly, she remembered last night.

Recalling the intimate situation, her whole body turned into a statue. She even forgot to breathe. ’What the hell did I do? Why didn’t I push him harder? Oh, my Go...d!’ She sat on the cold floor and tried to process the details. Despite the cool water touched her every inch, her face heated up and her body grew hot. ’How am I going to show my face to him? And I told him that I would treat him to a hotpot... wait, hotpot...’

All of a sudden, she jumped and stood up. She had completely forgotten about the job. If it wasn’t for the hotpot treat, she wouldn’t have remembered. She quickly finished her shower and dressed up. When she saw it was eight in the morning, she sighed in relief. Ge Chen wasn’t at home and she didn’t have the time to think about him. She drank the hangover soup prepared by the cook and took the lunch box that was prepared for her. Then, she took the car and drove off.

When she reached the school, it was almost time to close the gate. She deeply exhaled. Through the office clerk, she went to the Principal’s office. The Principal looked different from what she expected. It was a middle-aged foreigner. He is Mr. Heathcliff and he is Polish. He gave her a friendly smile and asked her to sit down. He asked her about the educational background and her marital status and later asked her why she wanted to work here.

She replied, "Since I was born here, I went to the school not far from here and I know how well-known this is. I wanted to study here after I passed middle school but I didn’t want to pressure my father. I could take a side job and earn money to give the tuition fee but, in this school, it wasn’t allowed until recently. After I came back, I started looking for a job and when I saw that there was no counselor in this school, I decided to join. And I wouldn’t apply unless I knew I would be approved."

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