My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

[The plane will land in an hour.I have brought the guy back.]

[Copy that.] Nicole told Jared the news, and they drove to the agreed location to wait for Carl to fly in.

Shortly after, a plane flew in Nicole's direction.

Carl saw Nicole and a bunch of cars on the tarmac.He found a suitable spot and landed the plane safely.

After turning off the engines, Carl walked off the plane with the unlicensed Dr.Jack.

Nicole walked up to Carl and said, "It has been a long day.Take a rest here."

Carl looked at Nicole.


"Take the guy away."

Jared glanced at Carl, then ordered.

As Claus waved his hand, several bodyguards stepped forward to grab Jack, escort him to the car, and drive him to the hotel for custody.

"Let's go." Jared said to Nicole.

Nicole looked back at Jared and nodded, then looked at Carl.

"Let's go."

Nicole and Jared arrived in a car and stopped in front of the hotel, while Carl arrived in the car behind them.

Getting out of the car, Nicole wanted to wait for Carl to go in with her.

Jared had no choice but to follow her.

When they got into the private lounge, the three of them were seated.

Nicole first took a glass of wine and toasted to Carl.

"I didn't have a chance to thank you for helping me so much last time, so I will make up for it this time.Tonight is just for you.I will take you to a fun place tomorrow,"

Nicole said, and even winked at Carl.

Jared toasted Carl with a glass of wine, too.

"Thank you for helping us out so much.Everything here is on me."

Jared's wealth was enviable, but Carl had no desire for money.He just looked at Jared and accepted his tribute with a smile.

At the dinner table, Nicole and Carl were chatting and laughing, completely ignoring Jared, who was sitting beside Nicole.

After much brouhaha with all the food and drink, Nicole and Carl became high and started to stand up and sing.

Jared had no words for it, as this was the first time he had seen Nicole completely let herself loose.

The singing in the room was so loud that Jared could not take it anymore.

He dragged Nicole over, flipped her on his shoulder, and walked out.

"What are you doing, Jared? We are not done yet."

Nicole struggled on his shoulder.

"Nicole, Nicole..."

Carl staggered as he tried to reach for Nicole.

"Bring this gentleman to the hotel for rest."

Jared instructed his bodyguards.He continued to carry Nicole to the car, with Nicole dancing on his shoulder.

Back at the villa, Jared carried her to the bedroom, gently put her to bed, and looked at her, whose face flushed.

He wiped her face with a hot towel, and then covered her with a quilt, and hugged her to sleep.

The next day, Nicole woke up with a terrible hangover.

When she did not see Jared beside her,иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σм she crawled out of bed and put on her shoes before staggering toward the stairs.

Jared was having breakfast in the dining room when he saw Nicole wobbling down the stairs.He immediately put down the cutlery and rushed up to her.

"Why didn't you get more sleep?"

He helped Nicole to sit down in the dining room.

"I'm thirsty.Is there any water?"

Nicole's eyes were half-closed, her eyes dull.

Jared quickly poured her a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Here you go."

Nicole took the water and gulped down at once.

"Drink it slowly," Jared said with concern.

In no time at all, Nicole had finished a large glass of water.


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