My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

Harvey stared at Carl and asked, "And who is this?"

"A friend of mine," Nicole replied, foregoing the need to introduce them to one another.

"Hi, I'm Harvey Ellison.A friend of hers too."

Harvey extended his hand to Carl.

Carl, sensing that Nicole was not on good terms with the man in front of him, gave a short reply.He did not even shake Harvey's hands.

Seeing this, Harvey withdrew his hand, sat down awkwardly, and turned to Nicole, "What have you been up to lately? Has Mr.Johnston Sr.woken up?"

Ever since Jared returned, Harvey had not visited the hospital.

"He's awake," Nicole said, before turning to Mrs.Riddle Sr.and introducing Carl to her grandmother.

"Grandma, this is my best friend, Carl."

"Hello, Mrs.Riddle Sr.," Carl greeted.

Mrs.Riddle Sr., who noticed Carl's tall and athletic physique, laughed, "This boy over here looks fit.You better be eating more later on."

Nicole turned to look at Carl.

‘Grandma's right.He is buff indeed"

As Nicole and her grandmother chatted, Harvey sat down in his quiet little corner, and watched them.иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмHe felt ostracized as no one could be bothered to talk to him.It was as if Mrs.Riddle Sr.had forgotten about his presence as well.

Not feeling content with being left out any longer, Harvey decided to interrupt their conversation.

"Mrs.Riddle Sr., have you gotten any sun today?"

Mrs.Riddle Sr.looked at Harvey.


"I mean, would you like to go out to the balcony and bask under the sun?" Harvey asked.


Mrs.Riddle Sr.nodded "I'll keep you company."

Nicole helped Mrs.Riddle Sr.up.

Seeing this, Harvey hurried over and kept the old lady supported on the other side.

Carl was perplexed as he looked at the both of them rushing to the aid of Mrs.Riddle Sr.

‘'She is still pretty strong and healthy.Does she really need two people on her flank to prop herself up?"

Harvey smirked as he saw Carl staring blankly at them.He felt that he had finally been given a chance to shine, and as both Harvey and Nicole walked Mrs.Riddle the balcony, Carl followed closely behind.

Nicole glared at Harvey.

'Why is this guy everywhere? He's just trying to get himself some attention and brownie points"

All of them sat down after they had brought Mrs.Riddle the balcony, and as the gentle breeze blew and caressed her face, Nicole gazed out into the sea.

"Such lovely weather today."

Harvey nodded in agreement.

"Yeah.We should all just chill out under this climate."

Nicole turned toward Harvey and suggested, "Why don't we have a game of volleyball at the beach?"

Harvey eyed her with a look of approval.

"That's a great idea! But then, grandma just came up."

The both of them simultaneously turned their attention to Mrs.Riddle Sr., after which Harvey came up with a bold suggestion.

"Why not bring her along?"

Nicole pondered for a moment.

"She is in no condition to play volleyball."

Harvey rolled his eyes and frowned.

"Who said she'll be playing with us? She can be our referee!"

"Well, that sounds like a good idea,"

Nicole replied, feeling that Harvey was capable of spurs of brilliance at times.It was then that Tia walked in with a platter topped with fruits.

"Have some, Nicole."

Nicole looked at Tia and glanced around.

Realizing that there were four people present, she concluded that they could team up in pairs.

"Tia, would you fancy a game of volleyball with us?"

"Sure!" Tia beamed.

"And Carl?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah sure," he answered.

"Okay, we'll bring grandma along, then," Nicole said.

"Hey grandma, we'll take you to the beach for a game of volleyball."

Mrs.Riddle Sr.waved her hand in dismissal.

"You guys can go ahead.I don't think I can play at all."

"No worries.You can be our referee.You can bask under the sun there too," Nicole said, as she helped her grandmother up on her feet.

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