My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

The three of them ended the scrumptious meal with happy tummies. They were all slouching against their chairs by the end.

“Nicole, where would you like to go later?" Harvey asked Nicole.

“We're going shopping later. You can head back to the hotel and catch some rest,” Nicole said, not wanting Harvey to come along as she could shop with Kelly.

“I'm coming with the both of you," he said. "As I'm so bloated right now, I could use some exercise to help with the digestion.”

Harvey's intentions were clear. He came all the way here just to accompany Nicole. Naturally, he would pass on any opportunity to spend time with her.

“Suit yourself," Nicole said, as she could not care less.

After they had left the restaurant, they drove to the bustling commercial street. It was crowded and filled with excitement.

Just as the car came to a stop, Nicole and Kelly got down and walked into the commercial area. Perhaps they were so stuffed after the meal that Nicole, who had never liked shopping, actually initiated a trip.

Harvey looked at them as they sauntered off to the distance. He got down from the car and slowly caught up with them.

"Aren't you girls shopping? Why are you walking so fast?" Harvey asked as he was chasing after them.

"There are just too many people here,” Nicole turned back and looked at Harvey. "We're thinking of looking for a slightly less crowded area. You don't have rush after us. You can just take a stroll behind us. If we ever get lost, we can call each other.”

“Alright, I'll try my best to keep up," he said.

"Kelly, I think there's a show of some sort over there. Let's check it out!" Nicole pointed to a crowd near them.


When they were in between the crowd, they saw a young man in a cape standing in the middle of the circle, performing magic tricks.

"Look at this." The man bit his tongue while he was trying to verify the authenticity of the apple. "This is an apple.”

"I'll cover this with a piece of cloth." The man held the covered apple and stood in front of Nicole.

"Miss, could you try and touch it to see if the apple is still in there? " The man looked at Nicole.

Nicole stretched her hand out to touch it. “It's still there.”

"Okay. This is my first time meeting this lady. We don't know each other, so she can't be lying. Isn't that right, Miss?" The man looked at Nicole as if waiting for her to confirm it.

"Yes, we're strangers,” she replied.

"Okay. Now, we're about to witness some magic. Please make sure your eyes are wide open.” The man walked around in a circle before returning to the middle.

"Three, two, one." The man then whisked the cloth away, revealing that the apple had turned into a pear.

The crowd burst into laughter and applause, as Nicole and Kelly stared at the pear in shock.

“Ms. Riddle, how did you do that?" Kelly asked Nicole.

“To be honest, I have no idea," Nicole replied.

The man smiled and walked up to Nicole. Then, he gave the pear to her, after which he continued performing.

“What was that show about?" Harvey approached Nicole and asked.

“Didn't you see it?"

“I just reached.”

“The apple turned into a pear." Nicole showed the pear to Harvey.

Harvey picked it up and took a closer look. He muttered, "An apple into pear? What an old trick."

In the midst of the crowd, the magician was performing another trick. Those around him were enjoying it thoroughly, with the exception of Harvey, who was observing his moves intently. After the magician had successfully performed another trick, a round of applauses followed

Harvey smirked, “Nicole, I know how he did it.”

Nicole looked at Harvey. "You saw it?"

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