My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Ike was already waiting outside of his car downstairs, and when Nicole approached him, he opened the door for her like a gentleman would.

Nicole smiled and said, "What's with the sudden display of chivalry?" Ike smiled.

"Am I not supposed to? Ladies first." Nicole glanced at Ike and got into the car as Ike climbed onto the driver's seat and ignited the engine, whereupon they drove to the technology exhibition.

Noticing that Nicole had been silent, he brought his hand up to the stereo to turn the radio on, which was playing Nicole's favorite song.

A smile crossed her face.

"You have a good taste in music." Ike flashed her a smile of his own upon hearing that.

His preparations did not go to waste.

Seeing that Nicole was in a good mood, he started a conversation.

" What did you do yesterday?" Nicole recalled the feeling she had when she was caught in the spat with Chloe.

"Nothing much.

I just bumped into a Karen." Ike frowned.

"Who pissed you off? Do you want me to take care of her for you?" Nicole shook her head.

After all, Chloe was a part of the Riddle family.

If she wanted to teach her a lesson through unlawful means, she would have done so long ago.

"It's fine, I know my way around this," she said.

Nicole already had an idea as to the best ways to deal with Chloe, but she had refrained from doing anything, as she wanted to be merciful.

The duo continued engaging in a conversation, and before they knew it, they had already arrived at the exhibition.

Ike then got down and opened the door for Nicole.

Nicole got off the car elegantly and Ike extended his arm to her, indicating that he wanted her to hold it.

Nicole furrowed her brows.

"It's not even a major event.

You really don't have to be this formal." Ike froze as awkwardness flooded him from within.

Though he was disappointed, he could not do anything but say, "True." Nicole ignored him and entered the technology exhibition by herself while Ike watched her, sad and disappointed.

Now in the exhibition hall, the event had already started.

There were various types of products that were on display, and all of them had their fair share of enthusiasts.

Nicole was rather interested in technology exhibitions.

She thought that she might bump into some intelligent people who could help her establish her manned flying cars.

She also wanted to see the current state of the development of manned flying cars.

That was the reason as to why she had agreed to come with Ike in the first place.

It was then that Ike joined her in the exhibition hall.

He saw Nicole looking at the products that were present and smiled.

"Here, I'll show you something worthwhile." Nicole knew that Ike had a good reason to invite her here, and as expected, Ike took her to a booth.

Within it was a large screen on which a sci-fi video was playing, showing them a car flying in the sky...

Nicole's eyes turned dark.

'Isn't this concept the same as the manned flying cars we're developing?' Ike could tell that Nicole was shocked, so he murmured to her, " This is just a special effects clip, don't get so worked up." Nicole glared at him.

"Just a clip? Then why did you bring me here? W There was nothing but the screen in that booth, so it might just be aconcept.

Ike flashed her a sly smirk.

"You'll know soon enough." Nicole had no choice but to wait and remain.

Soon, a crowd flocked over, gathering around the screen to watch the clip.

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