My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222

"Nicole, look at me."

Jared cupped her cheek.

"What will change if I look at you?"

Nicole stared at Jared, her eyes cold.

"I've never touched anyone other than you. You are the only one in my life."

Jared looked at Nicole, his eyes filled with affection and sincerity.

Nicole was stunned upon registering the look in his eyes and how earnest he was.

Initially, she just wanted to find out which woman had skin that was coarser than her.She had not anticipated such moving words from him.

"Jared, I see that you have a way with words and you're getting better at it now.At this rate, you are almost on par with Harvey," Nicole teased, refusing to cave in to his sweet talk.

Deciding not to pursue it anymore, as she had weaseled away from Jared, she sat up and went to the bathroom to give herself a rinse.

Just as she reached the bathroom, Jared passed her a toothbrush with toothpaste readily squeezed onto it.

"Here you go."


Nicole grabbed it and began brushing while looking at the mirror.

As Jared had also picked his toothbrush up and had started brushing with her, the both of them looked at each other's reflection in the mirror.

It was at that moment that Jared felt a sense of warmth within him.

Nicole had never done something like this with anyone.иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмShe felt that it was wholesome.

In fact, she wanted time to freeze this moment so that life would always be this beautiful.

After washing up, the both of them had breakfast together.

Nicole looked at the time and said, "Are you heading back to the office soon? I'm planning to visit the factory today and see if I can find any leads."

Jared raised his head ever so slightly and sized her up.

"I think it's better for you to just chill out this morning."

As soon as he had said that, Mrs.Wallace Sr.returned home.

When she saw that the couple had made their own simple breakfast, she frowned.

“Ah! Why are the two of you up so early? I just went to the market with Tia and was hoping to make something nice for the both of you."

Nicole immediately turned to look at Mrs.Wallace Sr.She stood up and helped her over.

"Grandma, it is fine.He's going to work soon, so we had an early breakfast. That way, he can make it to his office in time."

As soon as the last word was uttered, Nicole gave Jared a wink.

In response, Jared smiled, and as he was almost done with breakfast, he stood up and told Mrs.Wallace Sr., "Indeed, I'm in a rush to return to the office. I'll visit you some other time, grandma."

"Oh, alright then. Drive safe."

Mrs.Wallace Sr. looked at him kindly.

"Will do," he said, after which he turned around to give Nicole a glance while smiling.

"See you after work." Nicole frowned.

‘Who'd want to meet you after work, you nutjob"

But as soon as she saw him leaving, she immediately felt a sense of desire and longing.

Sensing Nicole's desire, Mrs.Wallace Sr. laughed, "Alright, alright.He is gone already.If you're that hesitant to let him leave, why didn't you tag along?"

Nicole could tell that Mrs.Wallace Sr. was teasing her, so she replied, "I never said I wanted to follow him. It's hard enough for me to come back, so I'd like to stick around and spend some time with you for a bit longer."

Mrs.Wallace Sr. smiled.

"You're a good child, indeed."

After the conversation was over, Mrs.Wallace Sr. brought Nicole into the kitchen and made breakfast together with Tia helping them.

Just like that, the morning ended in a peaceful note, being one of the quietest that Nicole had had in a while.

In the afternoon, Nicole headed out.She had planned to visit the factory and return home to pay his parents and brother a visit.

After all, they had no clue about her return.

Soon, Nicole drove to the factory.

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