My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

"All you do is play video games. Nicole has been talking to US since she got back. You should learn a thing or two from her and engage in more productive activities. Look at her. She's already living independently abroad, and yet, here you are, still playing video games at home," Gloria lectured them, and would have forgotten about them if they had not interrupted Nicole and Sean.

"Mom, you said it yourself. Nicole doesn't come back very often, so you should stop nagging US. We're adults now, and we have our pride, okay?” Samuel stared at Gloria as he expressed his thoughts.

"You're always looking for excuses...”

"Don't lecture them anymore, mom. Just let them chill for a day. You can continue the nagging when I'm not around tomorrow." Nicole aided

Samuel by persuading to let them off the hook.

"Since Nicole is here, I'm just going to leave it,” Gloria said.

"How long will you be staying, Nicole?" Gloria hoped that Nicole could stay for a few days, so that their entire family would be together for longer.

"I must return to Lanningbourg as soon as I'm done with Martin’s factory." Nicole replied.

Nicole could tell that Gloria wanted her to stay for a few more days. Unfortunately, she had to help her team abroad, and there was nothing that she could do to change that fact.

"Well, it's good to be busy. Youngsters like you should be putting more effort into your work." Daniel said otherwise, even though he wanted her to stick around too.

"I Know your work is important, but you and Jared must take care of yourselves," Daniel said with concern.

"Yeah, we will." Nicole said, and it was then that she realized that Norah was nowhere to be seen, even after she had spent much time chatting in the living room. ‘Is she out on a vacation again?’

"Mom, how's Norah's parents?” Nicole suddenly asked, startling Gloria.

"Why do you ask?" Gloria said.

"Oh, it's because I've been sitting here for quite some time, but I haven't seen any traces of Norah, and that's why I suddenly thought about her.

Back then, I'd always bump into her whenever I am here, so it's kind of weird, not seeing her around,” Nicole explained.

"Norah's family got discharged from the hospital, so Norah went home to take care of them,” Gloria replied.

"Oh." Nicole thought, ‘No wonder I didn't see her. Seems like she's keeping her word.’

"Has she been visiting you?" Nicole asked Gloria.

"Yes, a few times, but she hasn't been visiting recently, has she?" Gloria looked at Daniel and asked.

"Yeah, I think it has been two to three weeks since she last came over.” Daniel replied, though he did not really mind.” Anyway, Nicole, please have your lunch here. Let your mother cook something nice for you,"

"Sure," Nicole uttered in response.

"Nicole, can you play with US now?" Samuel asked.

"You play, I'll watch,” Nicole said, as she did not have the energy to play games and just wanted to take a rest.

‘Hey, can't you tell that Nicole is tired? Why are you forcing her to play games with you? That's really insensible of you," Sean chided.

Spencer had one good look at Nicole after listening to Sean. "Nicole, catch your rest on the couch if you're tired. We won't bother you."

Sean shook his head. "Is this how you're letting her get her rest?”

Nicole laughed when she saw them arguing and thought, ‘It's nice to be with family.’

"By the way, Nicole, how was life with Mrs. Wallace Sr. in the sea view villa? " Daniel asked, as he suddenly thought of her.

"She's doing pretty well. Sne even planted her own vegetables and seems to be in high spirits every day," Nicole replied, and was all smiles when she talked about her.

"Really? She must be having a lot of free time, then." Daniel smiled at Nicole.

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