My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233

Up above, Martin was sitting on a chair while catching some rest with his eyes closed.

Nicole and Jared walked in and knocked on the table.

“Nicole, Mr. Johnston. You’re here.” Martin opened his eyes to see them standing in front of him.

“You seem very tired. Have you not rested well for the past two days?” Nicole looked at Martin’s bloodshot eyes.

“Everyone’s busy outside. Being the person in charge, how can I catch a break during times like these?” Martin got up and poured each of them a cup of water.

“You don’t have to do that. I came over I have something I need to ask you. ” Nicole went to the couch and sat down, looking at Martin with a serious expression.

Martin took a seat as well, and he proceeded to look at both Nicole and Jared with a puzzled expression. “What is it?”

“What do you know about the McCarthy family’s business abroad?” Nicole looked into his eyes and asked.

Martin could not help but to furrow his brows when he heard the name, McCarthy, being uttered. “The McCarthy family? I have not heard a single thing about them ever since they migrated.”

Nicole then asked, “Does Joyce not contact you anymore?”

Martin’s eyes lit up the instant his memory was refreshed, and he said, “She called me once, but I didn’t answer, nor did I call back.”

“What happened? Why did you bring up the subject about the McCarthy family?” Martin stared at Nicole with a look of confusion. He did not understood why Nicole had made mentions of the McCarthy’s.

Nicole looked into Martin’s eyes, and in a solemn tone of voice, he said, “I heard that the McCarthy family has risen from the dead.”

“What do you mean? Risen from the dead?” Martin stared at her for a moment, not understanding what he Nicole had meant.

“The McCarthy family had married one of their daughters to a rather eminent family abroad. Things have been going really well for them. There are news about them making their return here to pay their forefathers some respect,” Nicole said, spilling everything to Martin.

Martin was left stunned for a moment when he heard about the news brought to him by Nicole. The sheer quantity and the nature of the information was too much for him to stomach.

“I was shocked when I first heard it too. I did not expect Joyce to leach off a foreigner,” Nicole said, helping herself to a sarcastic remark.

“Yeah. I didn’t expect them to be so tenacious…” Martin replied.

He was bewildered, as he had never thought that the McCarthy’s family would rise to the position they were in.

“This is not a big deal. We had settled the beef between US before they left the country. Well, it matters not whether they are here to pay respect to their forefathers, as long as we all mind our own business,” Martin said with a calm look on his face.

Certain that everything was over, Martin thought, ‘As long as they don’t bother US, and we don’t bother them, things are going to be okay.’

“Things are not as simple as you think it is.” Jared looked at Martin with his deep-set eyes and warned him.

Martin looked Jared in the eye and thought, ‘What does Mr. Johnston mean?’

Jared, noticing that Martin had not understood what he meant, continued,” There are a number of things that you can easily get over and not think about anymore. Sometimes, you wouldn’t even react if they do happen again. But for some people, getting over a personal grudge isn’t in the cards, especially those who were hurt during the process. Some people might do everything in their might to seek vengeance against those who’ve hurt them, just to let them know how it feels. Only then will they be satisfied. Barring that, nothing would stop them.”

Jared’s words awoken Martin to the reality of the situation, ‘It seems that I have to keep an eye out.’

“Nicole, do you know when the McCarthys are going to return to pay their respects?” Martin asked, his expression solemn.

“I don’t know the exact date, but I will make sure to pay close attention. You should keep an eye out too,” Nicole urged.

Hearing this, Martin lowered his head slightly and began to think.

“A strange thing happened on my way to the hospital today.” Nicole looked at the both of them.

“What’s the matter?” Jared gave Nicole a frown, with Martin staring at her as well.

“While I was waiting for the stop light to turn green at the intersection, a familiar silhouette drove past my car. I couldn’t see clearly who it was due to how fast they were, but I could see the outline of what looked to be a woman,” Nicole said.

It was then that Jared and Martin both thought of who the person could be, and glanced at each other at the same time.

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