My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

In the meeting room, Martin and Claus were checking the recording taken during the investigation.

Jared's footsteps were approaching the meeting room. Then, Claus was the first to notice Jared's shadow. So, he politely walked over and opened the door, "Mr. Jared."


Hearing some noise, Martin looked at the door and found that Jared had arrived. Martin stood up and looked at Jared, “Mr. Jared, you're here."

"Did you manage to find any leads?" Jared walked to Martin's side.

"Currently, we've filtered out two possible suspects. We're still going through the rest.” Martin gave his seat to Jared and explained their progress.

‘The two which you filtered out are new employees who had just joined?" Jared looked at the video and questioned.

"One of them is a new employee; the other is a senior." Martin looked at Jared.

"There's only one new employee that is suspicious?” asked Jared.

"Yes. Everyone else seems normal."

"Claus, go and interrogate these two people,” ordered Jared as he stared at the recording.

“Noted,” replied Claus, and he immediately went out to work on it.

"Have a seat. How many recordings are there left?" Jared questioned Martin.

Martin moved the mouse, "Those that are not done yet are all here.”

"Play them. I'll watch it with you." Jared signaled Martin to play the video.

Martin glanced at Jared and was confused by Jared's actions. Then, Martin asked, Mr. Jared, aren't you busy?”

Martin was afraid that he was interrupting Jared's work with this. After all, a job as minute as watching videos could be managed by Martin alone.

"It just so happens that I’m quite free today. So, I came here to have a look. Come on, play the video.” Jared urged him again.

It was only then Martin played the video without hesitation. The both of them began to watch the video attentively.

After an hour had passed, Claus returned to the meeting room. He walked to Jared's side and reported, "Mr. Jared, those two suspects are cleared.”

Jared remained silent after he heard Claus. So, Martin asked, "That's impossible. How could they be clear of any wrongs?" I'm sure I saw them looking guilty in the recording.’

"Mr. Martin, after the interrogation, I realized that the newbie was just scared and worried about bearing responsibility. That senior has stolen things from the factory before, and that was why he was guilty.” Claus explained to Martin.

Martin was furious when he heard that. He had never treated any of his employees badly, yet they dared to steal.

"These traitors! Fire them immediately!"

"Noted. I'll ask Charles to take care of it.” Claus turned around after he had finished speaking.

"Martin, don't get so worked up. Who knows the culprit is in one of the clips behind here. Let's continue watching." Jared persuaded him. Then only did Martin sit down calmly and continue watching the recording. Both of them watched for quite a while when Jared suddenly shouted,” Rewind a little."

Martin rewound to a minute before and continued playing.

Jared observed and analyzed a man in the clip carefully. That man did not look guilty at all.

"Mr. Jared, I don't think this person is suspicious, right?" Martin stared at the man in the video and asked.

"Take a closer look," reminded Jared.

Martin went closer, and his eyes suddenly brightened, "His hands were under the table, and he kept rubbing it.”

"That's right. Perhaps this man is suspicious." Jared explained.

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