My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255

“Mr. Johnston, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking of who it might be that is trailing Nicole?” Fiorella asked while looking at Jared’s dazed expression.

’How did you know, Ms. Fisher?” Jared asked after being brought into reality by Fiorella’s question.

’I don’t but what I know is that Nicole had gone to Martin’s factory recently. Do you think this might be related to one another, Mr. Johnston?” Fiorella did not know why but she felt like it was related to one another.

Jared heard Fiorella’s words and was brought into realization and said, ’ Thank you Ms. Fisher for telling me this. Today’s meal is on me. I have other things to do now, so I’ll be off.”

“Mr. Johnston, I’ll consider this as you owing me a favor?” Fiorella did not stop him from leaving, instead looking at the direction Jared was in.

Jared stopped in his tracks, and squinted at her and said, “Okay.” He strode out of the Blue Whale Restaurant, into his car and drove away. Meanwhile, Fiorella savored her food and wine which she did not get to finish the last time. She could not care less about whether Nicole was being followed or not. She only knew that Jared would be concerned about Nicole, and she would have the upper hand in this situation.

‘I must be very smart, letting him know about Nicole being followed. Now, he owes me a favor. He would ask me for things and won’t easily reject me anymore in the future,’ she thought.

Jared dialed Martin’s number while driving, “Are you at the factory?”


’Okay, I’ll be there.” After a simple exchange of words, Jared hung up the phone, stepped on the accelerator, and drove toward the factory.

When Jared arrived at Martin’s factory, he did not bother to check the status of the rebuilding. He made a beeline to Martin.

“Mr. Johnston, why are you in such a hurry? We can talk in my office,’

Martin said when he saw Jared’s expression.


“What did you say? Someone from the factory had followed Nicole and boarded the same flight?’ Martin’s eyes widened in shock after hearing the news. “Is this news accurate?”

‘It should be accurate. I came here to ask you, have any of those you have fired met others?” Jared looked at Martin and asked.

“I haven’t heard any news about them contacting the others yet,” Martin replied. Jared fell silent when he heard him.

“Have there been any suspicious situations here in the factory recently?” Jared suddenly asked again.

’No. Nothing has happened here in the factory since that person was fired.” Martin shook his head.

‘Could it be that the person’s target has shifted to Nicole? It shouldn’t be… No matter from what perspective it is being analyzed, it is targeting Martin and the factory. It’s impossible to have a reason to target Nicole,’ Jared could not stop guessing in his mind mentally.

‘Mr. Johnston, what’s the situation there like now? Is Nicole safe?” Martin looked at Jared with concern for Nicole in his eyes. Jared had already called Nicole several times on his way to the factory but to no

avail. He wanted to know what was going on with Nicole.

“I can’t get in touch with her, and I don’t know what’s going on with her,” Jared said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

‘Can’t get in touch with her? How can this be?” Martin immediately became anxious when he heard it and thought, ‘How can Jared not be able to get in touch with Nicole? Could it be something that had happened to her?’

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