My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

Jared remained silent for a long time, making it as if he had been waiting for her to say this.

In response, Nicole murmured to herself, ‘This is bad. I'm done. That's it. He has gotten me to bite. The words had been spoken, and now, there's no way to take them back. It's too late to regret it now.’

The corner of Jared's mouth curled up by a slight bit, whereupon he looked at Nicole and said, "Tell me. What is the matter of interest that Tia was trying to tell me?"

Nicole looked at him and took a deep breath. "So, this is the situation. I went to find Harvey after meeting up with you today. So, after we were done viewing the venue, I was getting ready to head back to the Sea View Villa when he came stubbornly got into my car. He said he wanted to follow me to pay my grandma a visit.’

I had no choice but to take him along. Later on, he said he wanted to see the vegetable farm for himself,” Nicole continued as she replayed the scene in which Harvey was making a fool of himself in the field.

Unconsciously, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile, which Jared noticed, before she burst out laughing.

He did not know the reason as to why she was laughing, and this, he asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Nicole snapped out of it the second she heard Jared's voice. "Don't rush me, I am telling you the story.”

"Did I mention that he went to see the farm the farm for himself? Anyway, I'm not sure as to what had happened in the midst of it, but he was watering the vegetables. He was doing pretty, until he turned

around. He must've stepped on some mud, and it was then that he slipped and fell face first onto the ground. He looked like a clay figurine, which got us all in stitches." Nicole looked at

Jared and said, before another fresh gale erupted from her.

Jared looked at Nicole, calm and collected. "Was this what Tia was trying to tell me?"

"Yeah. That's what happened today. Don't you think it's funny?” Nicole looked at Jared who was already laughing at the dining table.

‘I was worried as to what had happened. I did not expect something so ridiculous that it got them all rolling," Jared issued a sigh as he thought about the situation.

“Alright. Hurry up and finish your meal. It'll turn cold if you don't." Jared looked at Nicole and urged.

"Oh." Nicole responded, picking up her utensils before proceeding to eat what was left of her food.

She was secretly relieved that she had narrowly escaped a catastrophe.

After they had eaten their dinner, they went to the living room where they sat down.

It was then that Jared looked at Nicole and asked, "How was the office venue today?"

"Very good,” she replied. "Harvey has freed up the entire floor of an office building to make space for me. It was pretty darn large, and I can utilize it accordingly."

"An entire floor? How could he have such a space vacated?" Jared looked at Nicole with his brows raised.

Nicole had wanted to keep it as a secret from him, but as she did not want tensions to simmer again, she told him the truth. “It's not unoccupied. I mentioned this to him before about asking for the space, so he got the previous occupants to evacuate."

Upon hearing this explanation, Jared understood the situation. Still, he did not expect that Harvey would spend so much money to please Nicole.

‘Since he's so willing to do things to please people, and he's also helping my fiancee. I'll give him an opportunity; however, he must do something in return.”

"Harvey has worked hard for you, and because of this, we can't just use his office in vain. I'll transfer the rent to him later." The comer of Jared's lips lifted, as he knew that by doing so, Harvey would be made aware that Jared had rented this place for Nicole, hence distinguishing their relationship as landlord and tenant.

In addition, he also wanted Harvey to know that his fiancee did not need this sort of support from others.

"I told you, he refused to take it. It's okay, it just that I owe him a favor,” Nicole said nonchalantly.

"Favors are not easily repaid." Jared looked at him and reminded her, as he was worried that Harvey would soon make excessive demands.

"Don't worry. We've made our boundaries clear.” Nicole said to offer him some relief, as she saw the look of worry on Jared's face.

Hearing that, Jared's heart lightened at once.

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