My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1312

Chapter 1312

Chapter 1312

Chapter 1312

‘Oh, that’s nice.”

"Both offices should be able to house about twenty to thirty people. There won't be this many people, but there'll be equipment, which takes up space as well,” Nicole explained.

"Equipment?" an employee asked. "Do you have the measurements of the equipment you are referring to?"

"The equipment aren't big. I'll just have a few of them in the office. Additionally, it's best to have a set of double doors for the office,” Nicole demanded.

"Sure, we'll design it according to your requirements," an employee said.

"When will you begin with the construction and how long will it take?" Nicole asked.

"If it's possible, we can begin today, and you'll be able to use it tomorrow,” one of the men said.

"Wow, that's quick! Well then, let's start with the construction today. Thank you very much," Nicole politely said.

"Okay, I'll get the workers to bring the tools over," the designer said.

"Sure, I'll leave this to you. We'll make a move now," Nicole said, after which she and Harvey left the area.

"Nicole, I might be mistaken but if you want to develop a chip, this place will be able to accommodate that just fine. However, if you want to start manufacturing chips, I'm afraid this area is too small," Harvey reminded, as he suddenly recalled that chip manufacturing factories were huge.

"I know, I’m just experimenting, just like Martin was when he was just starting out. When I'm familiar with the techniques and have met the standards for mass production, I'll consider building a factory like Martin's. But that's all in the future. It's way too early to think about that now," Nicole explained.

"Got it." Harvey nodded.

“By the way, do you think Martin can help us?" Harvey asked, as it dawned upon him that Martin was a researcher as well.

“Ah, I totally forgot about him,” she said. "I'll ask him later, but he’s pretty busy these days and probably won't have enough time and energy to help out around here. Besides, his factory just got reconstructed, so I think it's best not to bother him right now."

Nicole knew that Martin had devoted his life to the Beacon factory. There was also a fire, which had occurred only weeks ago, so Nicole figured that Martin should take a break.

“True, he must have a lot on his plate," Harvey agreed.

“Fortunately, I'm not that busy, so I can frequent this place to help you out,” Harvey said, having already planted his excuse to visit this place.

"Don't worry, I won't go easy on you even if you're busy," Nicole said.

It was like things were back to the way they used to be between them.

“Okay, where are you headed to now?" Harvey asked.

"Home. I'll just leave this place to them,” Nicole answered.

"Grandma is doing well these days, so you don't have to pay her any visits today," Nicole added quickly.

"I don't mean it that way," Harvey flashed her an awkward smile.

"Don't overthink it. I'm not trying to stop you from going there, but grandma is really doing well now." Nicole explained as she realized that she was being too straightforward.

"It's fine. Let's just go." Harvey walked on.

On the other hand, Max was in the midst of reporting to Jared in his office.

"I knew there was something wrong with the gym. Why would she even go there every day?" Jared frowned and pondered.

"Mr. Johnston, we can essentially conclude that the fire at the Beacon factory is tied to Joyce. Do you want to interrogate the person who was talking to Joyce's lackeys in the gym?” Max asked.

"Not for now. Even if we're certain that Joyce did it, we still won't be able to capture her. Things are not as they used to be. She has the support of some big players now..."

"What should we do then?"

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