My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322

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“Yes. The agreement was signed when Henry was still around. After he left, I took over some responsibilities. After all, these projects belong to the Johnston Group. Someone has to take over and protect the company’s reputation.” Jared replied with a hint of embarrassment.

Although Henry had left the company, Jared would not use his resignation as an excuse to go against the agreement. That would just tarnish the reputation of the company. Moreover, Fiorella would never let it slide if he did.

Daniel sighed. ‘Henry really did stir a lot of crap!”

“Let’s not talk about him anymore. It’s been a while since the kids have visited. Let’s talk about something else,” Gloria commented on one side.

“Yes, yes, yes. Jared, how’s your grandpa’s recovery thus far?” Daniel asked, immediately changing the topic of conversation by shifting it to Maximillian’s situation.

“He has been recovering well. Sometimes, he would get down off the bed and move around a little.” Jared replied.

“Really? That’s great news. Luckily for him, his body is strong enough for him to recover fast. Wouldn’t you say so?”

“Yeah, that must have helped him a lot.” Jared answered.

“In which case, will he be discharged soon?” Gloria asked Jared.

“Yes, the doctor said that he can return home and recuperate in the next two or three weeks.” Jared turned to Gloria and explained.

“Oh. Once he’s back at home, make sure he gets the same treatment he had gotten in the hospital. Given the nature of his injury, we must pay attention to the post-recovery period too.” Gloria urged Jared with concern.

Nicole sat beside them and watched them as they bombarded Jared with questions.

Then, she suddenly interrupted them, “Mom, dad, what have you guys been up to? Have Spencer and Samuel been making things hard for the both of you?”

‘Nah, they’ve been behaving very well recently,” Gloria said. “After breakfast, they would head out and come back at night. They’re not addicted to video games anymore. I guess what you said during your last visit left an impact on them.”

Gloria smiled at Nicole as she was very satisfied with Spencer and Samuel’s recent behavior. As long as they stayed away from video games, she would fully support their desire to hang out with their friends.

’Have they changed this much?” Nicole mustered a slight frown and looked at Gloria. She felt that Gloria’s description did not fit the two boys at all. At most, spencer would stay at home and play some music. He was not the kind that liked to hang out, so how could he be out for the entire day?

“Yeah, if you don’t believe me, why don’t you stick around and find out for yourself? They’ll probably be back during dinner time,” Gloria said in an attempt to convince Nicole.

“That’s strange…” Nicole murmured softly.

However, Jared was able to read her lips. He looked at Nicole and remained silent about it as Gloria and Daniel were there.

“Dad, did Sean come home? I haven’t heard from him in a while. I wonder how he is doing with his project now.” Nicole turned to Daniel and asked.

“He came back once, about a few days ago,” Daniel said. “I heard that the Aegis project has been going smoothly. It’s just that he has been really busy, so it’s been very hard for US to meet him.”

Although Daniel thought that Sean was too busy, he was relieved and happy about the progress his son had been making. Being busy also meant that Sean was improving and that would be a good thing.

“He’s truly that busy? I guess I could only find him in the office if I want to meet him.” Nicole replied to Daniel.

“Do you need him for anything?” Daniel turned to Nicole and asked.

“Nothing. I’m just asking because I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Daniel, since Nicole and Jared are here, why don’t you give Sean a call and ask him to come over if he’s free,” Gloria suggested.

‘That’s a great idea. Quickly now, call him and ask him.” Nicole urged.

As he was spoke, Daniel held his phone and dialed Sean’s number. “Okay, I’ll ask him now.”

“Dad, what’s the matter?” Sean’s voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

“Sean, are you busy today? Come over to the house if you’re free tonight. Nicole and Jared are back,” Daniel said.

“Nicole and Jared are back?”

He was shocked as soon as he heard the news.

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