My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337

At this hour, Harvey usually would not come to work.

However, upon seeing a woman standing behind him, the security guards were stunned, as it was the first time Harvey had brought a woman to the Golden Coast building. ‘I wonder what her background is."

Nicole ignored their gaze, and addressed Harvey directly. "I was attacked in the parking lot. Get the security to play the surveillance footage."

The security guards immediately adjusted the monitor and gave way to Harvey. Harvey glanced at Nicole, who looked like she was determined to get to the bottom of this. She was sitting with her legs crossed, looking very standoffish.

The security guards were amused by Nicole, whose standing allowed her to be in the good graces of their employer. ‘Is this woman...Mr. Ellison's girlfriend?"

The two of them dared not ask, and so, the both of them got up, flashed them nervous smiles, and went to make tea for them.

Nicole stared at the screen intently. Soon after, the footage loaded, showing that someone was already there, and had been camping in wait in the parking lot prior to her arrival. The person was extremely cunning, as they had already planned the assault in such a way that the surveillance cameras were not able to capture anything, barring the moment he had attacked. Though the face of the assailant was revealed momentarily, the angle at which the image was captured made it impossible for Nicole to discern their features. They were also wearing a mask; which only allowed Nicole a fleeting glimpse of their eyes.

Nicole took her phone out and took a picture of the man's face. 'For the rest of it, I'll go home and use my tracking software to find this person.

Nicole put her phone away, after which she got up and said to Harvey, "I’m done here. Thanks for helping me out."

Although Nicole was being polite, the look on her face was anything but. Harvey knew that she was injured in his building, due to which he was partially responsible.

His eyes darkened as he turned back to look at the security guards, "What's the matter with you guys? Why weren't you aware that someone was being attacked in the parking lot?!"

The two security guards were startled by Harvey's sudden outburst.

i...we really didn't pay attention...’

Nicole sensed that Harvey was about to fire the security guards because of her; she felt that sne was making a big fuss, so she spoke up, "Leave it. It's not unusual for them to be unable to see so many screens at once."

The two security guards looked at Nicole and nodded. The light in their eyes indicated that they understood she had decided to spare them, and they were very grateful to Nicole for that.

Understanding that Nicole did not wish to pursue this, he assured her," Don't worry, I will find out who this person is."

Nicole shook her head and said, "I have a solution. There's no need to alert the police so that it doesn't alert the culprit.”

‘Saying goes that if there is a premeditated attack, there might be a snake behind the mouse, and if one were to lure the snake out of the hole, it would be harder to get the mouse,’ she thought.

Harvey did not like where this was heading. ‘Each time something happens, Nicole would solve it by herself, and Jared would always be of help to her. But why is it that I could never be of help to her? Gosh, I'm always so powerless standing next to her. Talk about being useless!’

"No matter what you're looking into or how, I will definitely not sit back and do nothing." Harvey walked out of the control room after speaking, his resolute tone and his frustration leaving the two security guards baffled.

‘What's the situation?’ one thought.

‘Why is this lady so cold? Is it because their relationship has not been established yet?’ another thought.

The two security guards observed the look of defeat on their employer, before taking another look at Nicole.

‘Our boss is such an outstanding man, who attaches so much importance to her safety, and yet she seems so uninterested in him,’ he thought. ‘She is even keeping her distance. This woman really is something!

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