My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360

"Alright. I'm going to go prepare a bouquet of flowers for Ir. Johnston Sr. to welcome him home after the discharge,” she said.

"Okay, I'll drive you over to the florist tomorrow," Jared said and looked at Nicole with doting eyes.

After the two of them had eaten their dinner at the restaurant. They made their way back to their residence.

During the very next day, Nicole selected a large bouquet of flowers at the florist and held it in her arms. She turned around, and upon noticing that Jared's hands were empty, she asked the shopkeeper to bring them another large bouquet of flowers.

"One for each of US. It'll look better that way.” Nicole looked at the flowers in their arms with satisfaction and said.

"Alright! Let's head to the hospital." Nicole clutched the flowers and made her way toward the car.

In the corridor of the hospital, Jared and Nicole proceeded to make their way toward Mr. Johnson Sr.'s ward while holding the two bouquets they had purchased. They pushed the door open and saw that the doctors and nurses were helping him with some exercises. Mr. Johnston Sr.'s face lit up the instant he saw them walking in with two large bouquets.

"You're both pretty darn early, aren't you?" Mr. Johnston Sr. looked at them and asked.

"We wanted to pick you up early," Nicole said as she made a beeline for Mr. Johnston Sr.

"Mr. Johnston, the procedures for the discharge have been completed," Max reported as he walked in.

"Okay, go and get our car started." Jared turned his head to Max and instructed.

"Yes, sir."

Jared walked up to Mr. Johnston Sr.’s bedside and said, "Grandpa, the procedures for your discharge have been completed. Let's go home."

"Okay." Mr. Johnston Sr. nodded lightly, after which he got out of bed slowly and steadily with the help of the nurses and doctors.

Nicole and Jared then stepped forward to help Mr. Johnston Sr. out of the ward. They had to do so, as the old man had refused to sit on the wheelchair that had been prepared for him.

He thought, ‘I've been laying down for such a long time. Finally, I've been given a chance to walk, and so, I must walk out of here by myself.’

Max was holding the two large bouquet of flowers behind them, while Nicole and Jared were at the front, supporting Mr.

Johnston Sr. as he slowly walked. Nicole then proposed to take a celebratory discharge photo as they reached the main entrance of the hospital.

Mr. Johnston Sr. did not refuse and asked Max to take a photo of the three of them, after which he carefully helped him into the car before driving off to the Johnston family manor.

During the ride to the manor, Mr. Johnston Sr. kept looking out of the window at the streets of the city. grasping the scenery that he had not seen for a long time. A familiar building soon appeared before his eyes: the Johnston family manor. The butler and servants were already waiting in line at the gate of the family manor to welcome Mr. Johnston Sr. home.

Jared slowly got out of the car, followed by Mr. Johnston Sr. who got out slowly.

Then, the faithful housekeeper immediately came up to Mr. Johnston Sr. and said, "Welcome home Mr. Johnston Sr.!"

Mr. Johnston Sr. looked up and nodded his head, as a smile crossed his face. ‘It feels good to be back and seeing familiar faces.’

"Welcome home Mr. Johnston Sr!" All the servants belted in unison. He looked at everyone with elation, whereupon he took one last glance at the family manor before entering.

Mr. Johnston Sr. walked into the living room and sat down. He then turned to the duo of Jared and Nicole and said, "Please stay for lunch, if you're not too busy.”

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