My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378

Only special customers could get an opportunity to get a taste of this rare softshell king crab. Nicole was a regular and their VIP, so the manager recommended it to them. He would not do the same to normal customers because of how rare the type of crab was.

“Martin, would you like to try it?” Nicole looked at Martin and asked.

’Sure,” he replied gracefully.

“We’ll take it.” Nicole looked at the manager and spoke.

“Okay, I’m on it.” Then, the manager trotted to the kitchen.

A waiter brought Nicole to her special spot. Martin looked around and sat down.

“This table is definitely the best spot to be at in this restaurant.” He praised.

“Of course. I sit here every time for a reason.” Nicole said proudly. She felt particularly relaxed today when she sat there with Martin.

’Yeah. Ms. Nicole, you’ve always been a person of excellent taste.” Martin complimented her again.

‘I didn’t see you eating any chocolates before we came here. What’s with the sweet tongue?” Nicole looked at Martin and teased him, making him blush.

Two waiters came to their table carrying a huge plate a while later.

“Ms. Nicole, this is the softshell king crab you ordered. Please give them some room to serve it on the table.” The manager said politely before the waiters placed the plate carefully in the middle of the table.

“Please, enjoy. Don’t hesitate to call me over if there’s anything I can do to help.” The manager left with the waiters after saying that.

It was Martin’s first time seeing such a huge king crab. An expression of profound astonishment flashed across his face. Nicole lifted the edge of her mouth after seeing how surprised he was.

“What’s wrong? Is it too big?” Nicole looked at him and joked.

“Yeah, it’s huge. It’s got to take many years for the crab to grow this big, right?” Martin could not help but guess as he looked at the delicacy in front of him.

“I guess. Maybe this species of crab is naturally this big.

‘Stop looking at it and have a taste.” Nicole looked at him and spoke.

“Sure.” Martin would probably still be staring at the crab blankly if she had not asked him to start eating.

Nicole took a big pincer. She cracked it open and placed the meat into the sauce prepared by the chef. Then, she put it into her mouth. It was delicious. The crab tasted so fresh and chewy. Nicole enjoyed it very much.

Martin grabbed one of its legs after looking at the satisfied expression on Nicole’s face. He dipped the meat in the same sauce and tasted it.

Martin looked very surprised after eating it. It was heavenly.

“Is it good?” Nicole looked at him and asked.

“It’s excellent!” Martin could not find any other words to describe it as he looked at her with a big smile.

“I’m glad that you like it. We’re going to have a feast today.” Nicole raised her glass and proposed a toast to Martin.

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