My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1407

Chapter 1407

Chapter 1407

Chapter 1407

Martin was stunned. At this point, he became aware that Nicole did actually care about Jared, and that she loved him more than she loved herself. Harvey, who had been chasing after Nicole too, noticed this. He could not help but muster a bitter smile and hold onto Nicole.

Then, he asked Martin. “How is Jared?”

Although he was still jealous of Jared for his ability to acquire all of Nicole’s attention and care, he could not pretend as if he did not care about him. He knew that if something grave were to happen to Jared, Nicole would never be the same person she used to be.

Martin glanced at Harvey, who seemed to understand how he was feeling. He too, could not help but give him a wry smile. “He is fine. He’s doing better now.”

Even though he shared Harvey’s jealousy of Jared, Martin still gave it his all to save Jared, as he did not want Nicole to be devastated.

Maintaining a reassuring smile, Martin continued, “He is heavily injured. Six broken ribs, a damaged kidney, and several of his internal organs were bleeding. Still, the surgery was a success. The only concern now is the head trauma. He is in a coma now…”

Seeing Martin’s hesitation, Nicole’s eyes became downcast, and she asked, “It will be bad news if he fails to wake up tonight, right? 11

As she was a doctor herself, she had understood Jared’s condition before she blacked out and lost consciousness.

Martin nodded his head, not disagreeing with what Nicole had said.

“You can go in and accompany him. His will to live on should be much stronger if he knows you are by his side. Let’s hope that there will be a miracle.”

Hearing the last sentence, Max felt that the situation was not as optimistic as he had hoped, as he gripped his hands tightly. Yet, he knew that this was Mr. Johnston’s decision. If it happened again, he knew that Jared would still do what he had done.

Suddenly, they heard a familiar shriek from the operating theater adjacent to the one they were standing in front of.

“My daughter, oh my sweet daughter! How could you leave me like this!?” Luke McCarthy yelled, his voice belting out in grief and agony.

The quintet snuck a glance through the corner of their eyes. A nurse was wheeling a body covered in white cloth out into the hallway with Luke McCarthy following right behind in tears. At this moment, Martin’s expression changed. He was so busy trying to rescue Jared for the entire time that he did not remember that Joyce had…

He looked away, feeling very upset. He refused to set his eyes upon the corpse, and in a low, shaky voice, he said, “I’m exhausted. I’ll return to my office and get some rest.”

Nicole knew that he would be unable to accept the reality of the situation, so she nodded. “Go then. Leave the rest to me.”

She had calmed down significantly and now had the confidence to handle any of the issues related to Jared, whatever they might be.

“Alright,” Martin nodded in kind, and left the corridor.

When he had reached the end of the hallway, he paused for a moment, after which he continued and made his way to the morgue where Joyce was being wheeled into.

After all that had been said and done, they used to be friends, and so, he could not be so heartless as to disregard her current state completely. Meanwhile, Nicole had already averted her gaze, looking around only after Jared had been pushed out. Seeing this, she immediately followed the doctors with Max and Harvey following her close behind. Together, they sent Jared to the Critical Care Unit. After Nicole had personally installed all the equipment, she sat at the bedside to accompany him, unmoving and silent.

Max, who saw this, could not help but feel emotional about the scene. Whether it was Mr. Johnston or Miss Riddle, they were both deeply in love with one another; their love actually surpassed his imagination.

Max then issued a sigh and said, “It’s almost time. I’ll go and prepare dinner.”

In a tone of indifference, Nicole said, “There’s no need for that. I won’t be able to eat.”

In response, Max said, “If you don’t eat, Mr. Johnston will be very upset if he finds out.”

Nicole maintained her silence. Max knew what it meant, and seeing it as a tacit approval, he left to prepare dinner. Meanwhile, Harvey continued to accompany Nicole. Seeing Nicole in a state where she had lost all appetite, he took a seat next to her. “You are also a patient. You can’t just keep sitting here. Your body won’t be able to take it.”

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