My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445

Chapter 1445

Witnessing how his comrade had ended up, the man did not want to be the next one. So he swallowed and said with much difficulty, "We have four ambush spots.”

When he spoke those words, his teammate beside him glared at him with bloodshot eyes. But the man did not want to end up like the other two. He had no other choice.

"Where are the other three?” Nicole asked him.

"One is at the other entrance and the other two at the exits." “Similar composition and strength?” Nicole continued to question.

"About the same.” "Who's leading this?” "It's C." "C..." This was the first time Nicole had heard this name.

After getting the information she wanted, Nicole glanced at the two remaining ambushers. Such people would continue to do ill if she let them live, so she shot them both before getting back into the car and driving toward Curley's production base.

Carl was resting in the base when a subordinate suddenly went up to him to give a report.

"K, a vehicle is driving toward us.”

Car! quickly got up to look at the surveillance monitor console. "Is it the secret organization's car?” "It does not look like the secret organization’s car, and if it were them, they wouldn't just come with a single vehicle. By the look of it, it's a private vehicle," the subordinate said.

"A private vehicle, huh? Since we cannot confirm anything at the moment, scan it for explosives first,” Carl said with caution.

"Yes, sir.” The subordinate immediately activated a device and scanned the car heading toward the base.

Whether it was the secret organization's vehicle or not, he cannot allow it to approach the base so easily, to avoid any peril to the base.

"The car up ahead, please stop and stay where you are," Carl commanded through the speakers outside.

When Nicole heard Carl's voice, her lips raised a little. It could not be helped that he was unable to recognize her right now, so she followed his command and slowed the car down to a stop.

Carl stared at the car that stopped in the distance through the surveillance camera. He felt quite worried. After all, the secret organization's goons were all cunning and treacherous. If they were to disguise themselves as ordinary folk to get close to the base to launch an assault, he had to stop them in advance.

"There are no bombs in the vehicle, but there are weapons in it,” the subordinate reported.

"Weapons!" When Carl heard that, he tensed up even more.

"Guards, the vehicle in the distance is armed. It may be the goons from the secret organization. Do not approach," Carl ordered.


Carl gave a robot, which was at the gate, another order,” Robot Al, go forward and inspect.”

After receiving the order, the robot approached Nicole's car.

Nicole waited in the car and saw that no one was allowing her in. Instead, a robot was coming her way from inside the base.

She now realized that Carl must have taken her for one of the secret organization's goons. Sighing, she opened the door and got out of the car.

The robot's tracking and aiming system immediately locked onto Nicole and her face immediately appeared on the monitor in the central command.

When Carl saw that face, he was shocked. "Nicole!"

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