My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1449

Chapter 1449

Chapter 1449

"Well, who knows?" Carl said. "It is only right that they take such necessary precautions, as this is an important project.

Otherwise, the Raven's forces wouldn't have made so little progress in their last assault."

"Now that I think about it, it's all thanks to the complex structure that we had gained enough precious time to equip the Brave and send the Raven back,” he continued.

The instant Nicole heard those words, she looked at Carl in shock. "The Raven's forces had launched an attack before?"

It was then that Carl realized that he had accidentally spilled a secret.

He coughed awkwardly and said, "It's all in the past. Here's the cafeteria."

Hearing this, Nicole could tell that Carl was obviously avoiding her question.

Meanwhile, Carl knew what Nicole liked to eat, so he ordered two portions and placed them in front of Nicole.

"These are your favorite dishes. Give them a taste and let me know if it's authentic or not." Carl looked at Nicole with a smile on his face.

However, Nicole's was still thinking about what Carl had said. "Erm, Carl, did you get hurt?"

Although talking about the past was of no use to any of them, Nicole was still concerned if Carl had sustained any injuries.

"Nope. With my skills and experiences, how could I get hurt? Let's not talk about it anymore. Try this food. I doubt it'd be as good once it's cold," Carl said, not wanting to discuss this matter anymore.

"Thank God you're fine,” Nicole said, feeling relieved.

"It seems like it has been a while since we last had a meal together.” Nicole looked at Carl.

"Yeah, it'd seem that way,” he said.

“But you still remember my favorite dishes,” she replied.

"Of course, and it's not just your favorite dishes. I still remember all the things that you like."

Carl was taken aback by his own words too, the same words he had blurted without a second thought.

"Nicole, the car that you drove here was modified. So, it seems that you came here prepared?" Carl raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's right. Things are quite messy out here. On top of that, you're guarding the base, so it's safe to say that things can get pretty dangerous. It's only right for me to come here prepared. Otherwise, I'd be driving myself into my own grave.” Nicole smirked.

"Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something important." Nicole's face assumed a more solemn expression.

"What is it?” he asked.

“Before I came over, I went snooping around the Raven's command post. The one who's taking the lead this time around is Cara," Nicole said, reporting her findings to Carl.

The moment Carl heard those words, his eyes widened in shock. "You went to the Raven’s command post? Do you have a death wish?!"

"Don't get so worked up. I'm still alive and well, am I not?" Nicole immediately assured when she noticed his expression.

"Nicole, I think you're becoming too much of a daredevil. You actually have the guts to break into the Raven's command post alone. Do you know how dangerous it is?”

Car! could not calm himself down. Nicole's recklessness did indeed bother him. Undeniably, Nicole was a very capable woman, who could dwarf him in skill and experience. However, the Raven's command post was not the safest place to be.

Carl was already worried and angry that Nicole had taken the risk to find him at the base, but little did he know that Nicole had gone ahead to inspect the Raven's command post before arriving here. As such, he was on the verge of fainting upon hearing that from her.

“Calm down," she said, attempting to put him at ease, but to no avail.

"Sit down!" Nicole yelled, as her gentle approach was not taken kindly.

Hearing the sudden outburst from her, Carl calmed himself down and sat down slowly. However, his eyes were still brimming with anger and anxiety.

"It isn't as bad as you imagine," she said. "Besides, I've experienced worse throughout the years. A small command post wouldn't give me any trouble.”

"But..." Carl uttered, but as soon as his eyes met Nicole's, he swallowed the words that he was about to say.

"I know you're worried about me, and that you think that I was acting rashly. But let me assure you, I wouldn't do things that I'm not uncertain about. Besides, I've gained a lot of intel from this visit," Nicole said, and once she had finished her sentence, a wicked smile crossed her face

Car! looked at Nicole’s face with his brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

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