My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Yet, Nicole quickly pulled Cara and threw him by the door. With the injuries on his body, this fall made Cara cry in pain, "Ah!!!You... What are you doing!"

It was so painful to him. Nicole looked at Cara and smirked for a moment," You only begged me to save you just now, but... I didn't promise anything."

"What?" Cara was immediately dumbstruck. He did not expect that this stinking wench would go back on her word.

By his ear, the waves of explosions were continuing. Nicole coldly stood by the steps and looked at him patronizingly as if she was looking at a pile of trash. Then, she said," You hurt so many of our people... You think I would let you live?"

Cara saw her expression and suddenly discovered that this woman was the devil. He thought that telling her the exit just now would be a chance at surviving.

"No... No... I beg you to save me... I don't want to die!" Cara tried to crawl toward Nicole.

However, Nicole looked at him like a squirming worm and only left a cold sentence, "My final grace would be not giving you the booster shot. But people like you... deserve to die."

After saying those words, she directly twisted the valve outside. Cara watched blatantly as the door closed. His eyes were immediately filled with blood, and he looked at her in fear while screaming, "No!!!" He coughed again.

A mouthful of blood spurted out again, but Nicole's gaze still did not falter. Until the door closed, Cara despairingly laid his head on the shut wall and knew he could not even stand up without them. He was done for. Nicole turned around and saw Carl looking at her, shocked.

She gave a cold smile, “What's wrong? You scared of me?"

Carl was stunned. Although it was for a moment, he indeed had such thoughts. But what she said was true... this type of person is a catastrophe if left alive. Thinking of this, He swiftly held out his hand to pull at Nicole," Nothing to be afraid of. I'll bring you out."

Feeling Carl's powerful arms dragging her, Nicole felt relieved. Then, she and Carl quickly escaped the underground tunnel.

Although there was no one to lead the way, Nicole's structural map on her watch could accurately point them to exit to these tunnels.

Otherwise, she would not have found the entrance to the secret chamber without the structural map.

Kaboom! The sounds of the explosions were getting closer. The tunnel behind them was starting to collapse. A wave of dust flew by, but Nicole and Carl did not stop for a moment.

"There is a light!" Seeing the entrance come closer, Carl saw a sliver of hope.

However, behind her, Nicole felt the crumbling moving swiftly toward them. They were about a step away from the entrance, so they rushed out. Suddenly, a rock dropped from above the entrance. Nicole did not have time to think much, then swiftly extended her hand and pushed Carl out with a massive heave.

With a large booming sound, Carl could not react. The powerful shockwave hurled his whole body. Besides the collapse, there were explosives by the entrance. Carl suddenly sat up in shock and noticed something was not right.

"Nicole!" He instinctively turned around. But at that moment, the entrance had collapsed. The doorway was filled with shattered stones.

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