My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483

I didn't expect that as soon as I switch the camera on, I would be met with a face so unfamiliar. Darn it. It just seems that I can't keep it hidden anymore."

At around this time, Fiorella was busy taking care of Jared in his ward. As Mr. Johnston Sr. walked in, he saw what she was doing, and was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Mr. Johnston Sr. was puzzled. 'So that was why he hasn't been contacting me as of recent. I knew he had a girlfriend, which is why he doesn't come home often.’

Initially, Mr. Johnston Sr. had received some really bad news, and had been meaning to tell Jared about it, but much to his chagrin, Max had been dissuading him. Now, Mr. Johnston Sr. might be old but he was vigilant enough to notice that something was wrong.

And when he made it a point to find out, he discovered that Jared was injured and had been hospitalized for several days. 'How dare they keep it from me’?’

This was why Mr. Johnston Sr. had rushed to the hospital to pay both Jared and Nicole a visit. However, what he did not expect was that a strange woman would be taking care of his grandson the moment he entered the door.

"Where's Nicole? Where is she?" he asked, for he had something urgent to ask Nicole.

Fiorella had met Mr. Johnston Sr. before at a certain banquet, and as such, she was overjoyed when she saw the elderly man strolling in through the door of the ward. However, she had not expected him to ask her about Nicole as soon as he walked in, and because of that, a sour look appeared on her face at once.

"I didn't know that Nicole is so significant to Mr. Johnston Sr. that he asked for her as soon as he barged in through those doors,’ she thought.

Fiorella lifted her head while maintaining a smile on her face as she greeted, "Hello, Mr. Johnston Sr. I'm Fiorella Fisher.

It was only then that it dawned upon Mr. Johnston Sr. that the person in front of him was somewhat familiar.

‘The Fisher family. In the most recent years, they have become one of the biggest and most influential families in the United States. They've been catching up with us, especially the head of the Fisher family. He cherishes his one and only granddaughter, who is very well known in San Joto. She was one of those who were recommended to us when Jared was looking for a potential partner in marriage. But what puzzles me is that, how did they become so close? And why is Nicole not around to take care of him when he had an accident...,, Mr. Johnston Sr. thought curiously.

"Ms. Fisher, you're being too polite. I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship with my grandson,” Mr. Johnston Sr. nodded and replied in a low voice.

Fiorella knew that he was testing her, and thus, she thought long and hard before she took the opportunity to say, “Yes... I have known Jared for a long time now. He got himself hurt because of Nicole. No one is around to take care of him, so I came here..."

With that said, she had made it clear to Mr. Johnston Sr. that they had known each other for a long time. In addition, it was an opportunity for her to complain about Nicole for not being here for Jared during such a crucial period.

Nicole, who was watching from the security camera, could not help but raise her eyebrows. ‘1 should not take this woman lightly.

She actually had the nerve to disrupt my relationship with Mr. Johnston Sr.’

As Mr. Johnston Sr. walked in hurriedly in his search for Nicole, his actions confirmed Fiorella's inexplicable guess.

Mr. Johnston ignored Fiorella's words as he knew Nicole had deep feelings for his grandson. He also knew that Nicole was a person of special significance, and so, her absence meant that she had important matters to attend to.

‘So, is it possible that the news from this morning is true?’ Mr. Johnston Sr. thought to himself.

He had mixed feelings, being somewhat relieved while feeling that things could get really complicated.

‘It can't be happy too early or things will take a different turn. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. The person might just share Nicole's surname for all I know,’ Mr. Johnston Sr. thought, feeling a little uneasy about Nicole's absence.

“Get someone to check on Nicole's whereabouts right away, and see if she's in Lanningbourg," he ordered.

Nicole heard Mr. Johnston Sr.'s words clearly from the security cameras. ' He actually knew the coordinates in Lanningbourg.'

Indeed, her suspicions were confirmed. The Johnston family were also one of the families affiliated to the Reby Family Crest, as well as the Holy Alliance.

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