My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Stanley and Steve could only stand up and say to Nicole, "We'll be heading off then."


Seeing that her family members were about to leave, Nicole suddenly turned towards Jared.

"What's that stuff?"

Jared eyed the coffee table.

Max had already delivered the thing over when he had coffee downstairs earlier.

Nicole immediately opened the box and found seven watches of different exquisite designs.

Daniel gave Nicole a perplexed look.

"These are..."

She then said with a solemn look on her face, "We have to listen to Grandpa.Be it you, Dad, or Mom, or the rest of you, be careful when you're out and about.If you ever find yourself being followed or in danger, press the black button on the watch to contact me and the white button to secretly send your current coordinates."

When she was on the plane, she made a tracking and communication system similar to that on her watch.She then got Jared to ask Max to upload them into the digital watches so she could contact her family.

Looking at such advanced gadgets, both Samuel and Spencer's eyes widened in amazement.

"Woah! This is so high-tech!"

Sean rolled his eyes at the two.He could tell something was not right.

"Nicole, is our family in trouble or something?"

‘If it's not that, why else would Grandpa say stuff like that? And why would Nicole give us these to protect us?! Nicole paused for a moment, but chose not to tell him.

"Just in case.I hope it's just me overthinking things."

Seeing that his little sister was unwilling to tell them, Steve gave Sean a wink and decided to investigate the matter himself.

Stanley did not speak and chose to believe Nicole unconditionally.He took the watch and put it on his wrist.

"Don't worry.We know how to take care of ourselves, but you..."

She was just a girl, and that worried them the most.

Then, Jared slowly said, "Don't worry.I'll take good care of her."

Seeing Jared speak up, the Riddle brothers set their worries aside.

After all, Jared was far more capable than any of them, and since he had already said that, what was there for them to worry about? "We'll be going then."

Sean and Steve put on the watches as they left the other three brothers.

Jared could tell that Nicole was still concerned, so he leaned over and whispered to her, "Relax.I've already sent men to guard them in secret."

Nicole nodded.

Knowing how meticulous Jared was, he probably had sent people to secretly guard her other uncles as well.

"It sure is reassuring with him around.' After everyone had left, Nicole brought Gloria to her room to rest.She accompanied her mother for a while before the latter fell asleep.

When Daniel escorted Nicole out of the room, he finally asked the question he had been holding back on.

"Nicole, what's the secret between you and Grandpa? Can't you tell me?"

Nicole knew that her father would figure something out, but for now, she did not want to add to his troubles. Smiling, Nicole said, 'Dad, I'll tell you when the time's right, but it's not now."

It will not be too late novel ebook for her to tell them everything after she cut herself off from the system.

She did not want Daniel to worry too much about her.

Daniel could sense his daughter's train of thought, so he nodded.

"If that's the case, I'll respect your decision.Tell me when the time is right then."

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