My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517

After Nicole had stepped out of the cafe, she veered into an alley beside it as she pretended as if she was on the phone.

As expected, the man who had walked out of the cafe followed her with a handkerchief in hand; he wanted to drug her.

In a flash, just as the man was less than a foot behind her, Nicole lifted her elbow and struck him in the bridge of his nose. In an instant, great pain filled his nose while tears and blood cascaded down his face.

"AHH!" The flat-capped man squealed.

Nicole turned around and punched him in the stomach. The man immediately knelt over on the ground.

Seeing that the man was incapable of fighting back, Nicole immediately took his flat cap off. Nicole did not recognize him at all, so she knew that someone must have hired him.

She grabbed the man's hair and progressively tightened her grip, causing him to grimace in pain, “Let go! Please let go of me!”

The man began to beg for mercy as he knew that he had gotten into hot soup.

“Let go of you? Sure. Tell me, who hired you?” she demanded.

‘The balls on this person to send one man at me. He had underestimated me, and if I must hazard a guess, he must not be here for the crest,’ she thought.

Indeed, Nicole had not offended any gangsters who would be motivated to do such a thing to her.

The man could tell that Nicole was not someone he ought to mess with, so he replied quickly, “J-just let go of my hand...and I'll tell you. It's just too painfull!”

After all, the man was only gaining a few thousand dollars from this hustle. It would therefore be unwise for him to pick a fight with someone of power over such a small amount.

"Spill." Nicole let go of him temporarily and stood up.

It was then that Jared appeared at the alley. There, he noticed that Nicole had already taken care of the guy herself.

Then, Jared slowly approached her, "You've caught him?" 'This little punk! Who is he to lay his hands on those I care about? He really does not know where he stands!’ he fumed. "I got him, but it was too easy,” she mocked. “There's no fun in it."

Indeed, a punk like him was not worth Nicole’s energy.

The man who was kneeling on the ground was shocked.’ Who on earth is this lady? I gave her two heavy punches and it didn't even stagger her?’

Those words caused the man to break into a fit of cold sweat as he said, ‘Miss, I'm just a hired gun working for someone else. I wanted to drug you...and, urn, do something. How could I be blamed for that? At most, I'd consider you competition. Please let me go!'

"Cut the crap. Who sent you? Tell me and skedaddle!"

Upon hearing that the man wanted to do something to Nicole, Jared's face became as cold as ice.

The man was so afraid that he trembled. He did guess that Jared might be some big shot judging by Jared's luxurious outfit. The man realized that he ought not to mess with anyone like that and that the

entire operation had been a disaster.

Gritting his teeth, the man could only reply, “I-it was a man named Flynn. I've seen him before. I think he frequents the Fisher Group..."

"Fisher Group?" Nicole raised her eyebrows.

She could not help but sneer at Jared. "It seems that all of this is your admirer's work.”

Jared furrowed his brows. "What does this have to do with me?”

"Of course, it does. If it weren't for you, would she have targeted me?"

Nicole looked at him and scoffed, her eyes brimming with jealousy.

As soon as she thought of the time that Fiorella had spent taking care of Jared, Nicole began to feel uncomfortable.

"Why? Are you seeing green?" Jared looked at Nicole playfully.

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