My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Riddle,” the man said to Daniel and Gloria politely.

At that moment, someone in the crowd recognized the married couple. "Aren't they... from the royal family of Yamenia?!"

"Seriously?! They've been around for over a thousand years! I can't believe they came to the banquet too!” another in the crowd commented.

"Tell me about it..." the third said.

In a strange turn of events, even the royal family from Yamenia was there, and they were greeting Daniel and Gloria too.

Naturally, with them in sight, no one bothered about Damien and his wife anymore.

For a second there, Daniel and Gloria were stumped. “Hello there, you are..."

Sean was well-travelled, so he was very familiar with Yamenia. "Dad, this is the future king of Yamenia, Prince Andrew, and his wife, the princess."


"The princess?" Spencer and Samuel exclaimed in shock.

Sean glared at them, shutting them up at once.

However, he was secretly in awe as well. 'Wow, what kind of fortune are we blessed with? How did we get the prince and princess of Yamenia to visit us?! This has got to be the most glorious day for the family in centuries!’

Meanwhile, both Damien and Dillion were too in shock to utter a word. ’So, that was why this couple have been acting smug and keeping to themselves for the entire time. They were royals!’

When they entered, they did not even bat an eye at Damien. Such was why they could not fathom why the royals would be so polite to Daniel and Gloria.

Dillion's eyes were already burning with jealousy when he figured that the presents were for Nicole, but with the most recent development in play, he was livid.

‘What's going on? Why is that stupid kid Nicole so valued by them? Even her parents get to be respected too!’ he fumed.

"What? Why didn't the prince and princess talk to you? Why are they associating themselves with Daniel and Gloria?" Miley asked, upset and resentful as she felt that their status in the family was diminishing in importance with each passing day.

"Shut up! We'll see how this goes!" Damien said, finding the situation incredibly grim for himself and proceeded to hold his tongue.

It was at that moment that Daniel reached out, wanting to shake the prince's hand.

This stunned the prince for a moment.

Sean was shocked as well. 'That's the prince of Yamenia!

Not everyone gets to shake his hand!’

But the prince only paused for a second before extending his hand to shake Daniel's in a gesture of reciprocation.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

‘Gosh, what an honor! Daniel is actually shaking hands with the prince of Yamenia! Doesn't this mean that the Riddle family is going to have more power?"

Daniel did not find anything unusual and responded with a gentle smile instead. "Thanks for traveling so far to come here. Since you've been outside for so long, why don’t we head inside? I'll introduce you to my father."

In response, the prince and princess of Yamenia exchanged looks before saying, "But we'd like to meet Miss Nicole first.”

When the crowd heard Nicole's name, everyone gasped.

Everyone present was there to meet Nicole in person.

Unfortunately, many of them did not know her on a personal level. Only those who had attended the Riddle family's banquet and the Johnston's engagement banquet actually knew her.

Now, the individuals of great prestige and influence had shown up for Nicole, rather than Mr. Riddle Sr.

Snow and Raine's eyes were burning with jealousy. They did not wish to talk to Chloe, who had made herself present at the banquet despite having been kicked out of the house. However, seeing what was unfolding before them, they had no choice but to ask her, "What's going on? They're royals, so why are they here to see Nicole?"

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