My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

"Serve you right." Ellar poked his tongue out at her. Serve her right for trying to mock Nicole.’

Emery pulled him aside, signaling Ellar to not be so brazen in his act, but the latter ignored him anyway.

At that moment, Snow heard everything and was left feeling extremely shocked.

Such was why Nicole was being given the attention she had been receiving, and that was also why Uncle Daniel and his family would witness a meteoric rise in their fortune. With that said, there was no longer a place left for Uncle Damien or her parents in their ranks.

She balled her hands into a fist. Even if Nicole had helped her out by retrieving her pink diamond, Snow was still extremely jealous, as the former had stolen her thunder, taking all of the attention away from her within the Riddle family. Yet, as far as she was concerned, she could watch as Nicole stood in the limelight.

When she saw Harvey and Mr. Ellison handing their precious gifts to Nicole, as the former sported a cheeky look on his face, she had little choice but to believe the rumors with a heavy heart that felt as though it was being crushed with a boulder.

Nicole had been standing there, receiving gifts for close to half an hour now. Her legs were feeling numb, and so was her jaw, which was still locked in a smile. Yet, Mr. Riddle Sr. continued to hold onto her tightly, not allowing her to leave.

Mr. Riddle Sr. and her parents on the other hand, were getting into the groove, and their smiles were growing brighter and brighter with each passing second.

Witnessing this, Nicole could not help but flash them a smile out of joy. ‘Regardless of what, the Riddle family has been restored to its former glory. Well, as long as grandpa, mom and dad are happy, I guess.’

Just as she was thinking about that, a familiar voice suddenly blared out.

"Congratulations, Nicole.” Fiorella walked over as she mouthed her platitudes, though she was very jealous deep down.

Every single person who was lining up to give Nicole gifts was among the creme de la creme of the elites in the country.

Although the Fisher family was a distinguished family in San Joto, their status did them little favors. Even in the gift giving session alone, they were one of the last in the list. It took a fair while before it was their turn, and Fiorella, who was already nursing a grudge beforehand, could not help but to use a peculiar tone of voice when speaking to Nicole.

Colton immediately pulled his daughter aside and said to Nicole, "Forgive my daughter's impudence, Miss Riddle.Here is my gift for you. I hope you'll like it."

Colton had always had a regal air about him at the office and would stand tall whenever he conversed, even within the elite circles in San Joto. Yet, it was a humiliating sight for him to be so self-effacing to Nicole today.

"Dad! What are you doing!?" Fiorella yelled, her expression changing as she felt that she had been embarrassed.

Colton was deep in regret. He had been too busy lining up to give Nicole her gift moments ago that he had not given Fiorella a clear explanation as to what Nicole's current position was. He was really furious upon seeing how rude Fiorella was to Nicole.

Unable to hold back anymore, Colton yelled, "Silence!"

He then grabbed Fiorella and pulled her aside, with Mrs. Fisher hurrying forward to put herself between Fiorella and Nicole, motioning to her daughter to stop talking.

Nicole looked at Colton, and then at the incensed Fiorella, whereupon she subconsciously glanced at Jared.

Jared noted the hint she was giving and his expression changed to one indicating indulgence.

The meaning of his gesture was clear. 'Do as you please.’

Seeing that, Nicole turned back to Colton, and with her eyes beaming, she asked. "Thank you, but have we been acquainted before?"

Colton Fisher was the head of the Fisher family, the president of the Fisher Group, and he was considered one of the most famous figures in San Joto. It would have been fine if Nicole did not know him. After all, she had probably never met anyone who was present at the dinner event before. Yet, she was obviously trying to put him in the spot by querying him in front of everyone.

However, it was his own daughter who had gone out of her way to irritate Nicole first, and with so many distinguished families present at the scene, Colton stifled his anger, not allowing his temper to flare up even if he wanted do.

With this in mind, he responded with a smile. "Indeed, we've not met before, but I do know Mr. Riddle Sr. I'm the current chairman of the Fisher Group. If you have anything that you require, please feel free to contact me.”

Although Colton was introducing himself in a very humble manner, he was also attempting to regain some of his dignity through his act.

Nicole flashed him a wry smile. "Ah, you're Miss Fiorella’s father. I may not be familiar with you, but I'm very familiar with Miss Fiorella, am I not?"

Nicole's eyes ranged over Mrs. Fisher and stopped at Fiorella, leaving both Colton and his wife stunned as they turned to their daughter. "You know Miss Riddle?"

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