My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1538

Chapter 1538

Chapter 1538

Chapter 1538

After today, Mr. Riddle Sr. would probably mellow down.

Chloe was, after all, still a star actress in the entertainment circle, and although she had been placed in the backburner during this period of time, she was still recognized by many and was quickly surrounded by those who did.

Seeing that Chloe was still of some value to the Riddle family, Mr. Riddle Sr. could not say much, but the instant he saw Nicole staring at Chloe, he came up to Nicole's side.

"Nicole, you won't be blaming Grandpa for this right?” he asked.

He knew very well that he was too softhearted, and too concerned about the honor of the family.

"I won't," Nicole said.

After all, no grandfather would be so merciless and unforgiving toward their own granddaughters. Nicole had already expected that Mr. Riddle Sr. would not ignore her plight should she get herself into trouble now or later, given his kindness.

"Grandpa, I just want you to be happy," she continued.

After all, aside from her parents and her siblings, Mr. Riddle Sr. was the one Nicole cared the most about within the family Mr. Riddle Sr. gave Nicole a look as if to tell her that he was touched by her words. He knew that she was a really sensible and understanding person, and he could hardly express the warmth in his heart.

It was then that more people came over to strike a conversation with Mr. Riddle Sr., while others approached Jared, wishing to have a chat with him. Nicole was almost done resting, and through her

periphery, she saw Lloyd walking to the balcony to drink and drown his sorrows. His gaze was fixed on her as she was doing so.

She pondered for a moment; although she really did not want to have anything more to do with him, he might be the only person who could find out about a certain something for her. After all, the Holder family's network of information was the most extensive.

The Holder could prosper for so many years without getting involved in any major industries due to their monopoly of the exclusive information of many great families. The fact that they had all of the dirt on these families made them nigh untouchable.

Their network spanned across various nations and was second only to the Interpol in terms of significance and resources.

Now that she had left the Interpol, he was her only option if she wanted to get some information about the black market or even the dark web.

Thinking about this, she slowly got up and walked to the corner.

Even though everyone present wanted to talk to her, they decided not to approach her upon seeing that she had gone off to the balcony, thinking that she wanted to get some fresh air. Only Lloyd knew that Nicole was walking toward him and with this in mind, his heart began racing. He had finally found the girl who had saved him so many years back...

However, because of Harvey's deliberate obfuscation, he did not recognize her, and due to the fact that his family had kept this matter hidden from him, he had only just learned that the reason Jared was standing with her was because...they were engaged!

At that moment, he began to hate himself for having listened to his mother and flying off for his movie abroad. Had he not done that, he would have stood a chance, as slim as the chance was.

Though she was already standing before him, Lloyd was still looking at her in a stupor.

Nicole could not help but ask, “Is there something on my face?"

It was only then that Lloyd snapped back to reality and he cleared his throat with a look of distress on his face before asking her the question he had meant to ask, “Why didn't you tell me that you've gotten engaged?"

Nicole raised an eyebrow. "It's because we are not even friends, I suppose.”

As per the rules of the organization, whenever anyone left the organization, they should part ways regardless of who they were.

Should they meet again in the future, they would be compelled to act as if they did not know one another, even if the person was their erstwhile partner.

Yet, Lloyd was left wounded by this remark. They had fought side by side together before, and just because he had been taken home by the Holder family before he parted ways with Nicole, it did not mean that their connection meant nothing to him.

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