My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

Jared placed the phone away and mustered a grunt of acknowledgment. "The vehicle may have fled the scene, but it had already been found in the outskirts. We've not discovered who the driver was, though. He came prepared and avoided all of the cameras."

Nicole's brow furrowed. "Oh?"

Indeed, the perpetrator had really taken the trouble to kill her.

"I suppose they'd be really bitter if they were to know I survived," she said.

Jared's eyes darkened. "Don't worry. I'll send word of you being well and alive.”

In response, Nicole grinned. "Then we'll just wait for the fox to slip up."

The two looked at each other with a wicked grin as they waited for their prey to fall into their trap.

At that very evening, Fiorella was staying in the hotel when she saw the news of Nicole having survived after falling off the bridge.

"Useless piece of sh’t!" she yelled.

She had spent a lot of money hiring a professional killer to deal with Nicole. To take her out quickly without leaving any traces or alerting the bodyguards was the firm assurance that the hitman had given Fiorella, and yet, Nicole was still alive and kicking

And it was said on TV that she was totally unscathed.

She blew her top. ‘’What did I spend all of that money for?!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Fiorella was taken aback by this, as the butler was the only person who knew she was living here.

Instinctively, she got up and went up to the door, only to find that it was suddenly opened from the outside with an access card.

As soon as it had swung open, Colton rushed into the room. "Girl! You were actually hiding here! If the butler hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known where to find you!"

He had been looking for Fiorella for a long time, but his daughter had ordered the butler to not reveal her whereabouts. If he had not used coercion, he would not have been able to find her today.

"Why are you looking for me? Didn't you say that you no longer have a daughter?” Upon thinking of the incident yesterday,

Fiorella's chest began to ache.

Her father, who had loved and doted on her since she was a baby, had never subjected her to so much humiliation in public before.

"You think I wanted to do that? I did what I did to protect the Fisher Group! Well, everything has gone to sh*t now, hasn't it!?"

Colton roared at Fiorella, his eyes bloodshot.

Unable to stand it anymore, Fiorella snapped. "Why am I the one at fault for destroying the Fisher Group? It's Nicole, who had targeted us on purpose! Did you actually think she'd let us go just because you licked her boots and severed your relationship with me? Dream on!"

Colton was stunned for a moment after having been chastised by his daughter. "Who told you Nicole was targeting us on purpose? She made a promise last night that she would not touch us!”

"What good is her promise? Haven't our partners terminated their contracts with us today? Why do you think they did so, if they weren't afraid of her? She was just putting on a show of mercy and you actually believed her?" Fiorella yelled, having never seen her father being this foolish before.

It was then that Colton fell silent. He could not deny the fact that all of those companies that had terminated their contracts with his organization had done so because they were afraid of being associated with the Fishers, offending Nicole in the process.

"Dad! As things stand, groveling to her will do you no good! How about we ally ourselves with a few other families that are against Nicole and fight her! We might have a shot at survival!” she continued.

She refused to believe that every family in existence would submit themselves to a girl from a third-rate family. As long as the Fisher Group was willing to, they could still look for allies.

"But we can't just go against the orders from our ancestors!" Colton was conflicted, for he had always recognized the rules and was not about to turn his back on them.

"Ancestral wishes at this day and age? To hell with it! I believe that there are many others who would hate to listen to a b*tch like her. We are definitely not alone in this!" Fiorella said in an attempt to convince her father.

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