My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

Without calling them out on their lies, Nicole played along." That's fine. Thank you, Uncle Damien and Aunt Miley."

Steve watched Nicole's shrewdness at play, in which she actually got Damien and Miley to choke on their words. He felt so good deep within that he could not help but snigger.

"Steve? What are you laughing about?" Samuel asked with a silly look on his face, not knowing what Steve was laughing at.

Then, an idea dawned upon Steve as he immediately replied, "I'm being happy for Nicole of course. With Uncle Damien and Aunt Miley being so generous with their gifts, I'm sure Uncle Dillon and Aunt Karen too must've spent a lot. N

Upon being put on the spot by Steve like that, both Dillon and Karen found themselves in an awkward situation.

Karen rolled her eyes, absolutely not wanting to buy anything for Nicole.

And just as she was about to say, "I didn't..."

"Yes, we've prepared it. It's on the way too!” Dillon interrupted her before she could even complete her sentence.

Damien had already made an obvious show to befriend Daniel's family, and so, how could he not follow suit?

"You..." Karen's eyes widened, thinking that her husband had lost his mind.

Both Snow and Raine's eyes widened as well.

Every year during Christmas, it would be Uncle Daniel's family preparing gifts for them as their father was the eldest son. Thus, they had to only prepare gifts for Uncle Damien.

‘What's happening now?’ they thought, baffled at the notion of their parents sending to Nicole, a member of the younger generation, gifts just because of a hospital checkup.

Raine became so angry and jealous that she whispered," Shameless."

Preston rolled his eyes at her. "Shut up already. Even now, Mom and Dad has to speak to Uncle Daniel's family nicely. Just wait and see how Dad deals with you if you mess things up even further."

Hearing this, Raine became so frightened that she immediately kept quiet.

Snow then gave Preston a glance, just to receive an eye roll in return.

Up until now, Snow had no idea what sort of charm Nicole had placed on her brother for him to take her side the way he did.

Now that Nicole was in the limelight, even Uncle Daniel's family got to bask in the fame and prestige alongside her. The day her grandpa favored Uncle Daniel, with Uncle Damien being up there as well, there would be no place for their family at all.

They were both daughters of the Riddle family, and the treatment Nicole got yesterday was something Snow and Raine had never gotten themselves. She was so envious that she could not sleep last night.

‘No, I cannot let Nicole hog the limelight like this. I need to find a way to take her down a notch!’ she thought.

At that moment, Nicole decided that she no longer had the mood to entertain these relatives of hers, and so, she turned to her parents and said, "Mom, Dad, I'm tired. Let's head in first."

“Alright, alright. We'll talk inside," Gloria said as she held onto Nicole.

Nicole then turned and looked at Jared. "You can go home. Thanks for today."

Jared did not want to leave, but he also knew that he could not get in the way of their family reunion any longer.

“Alright. Give me a call at night then,” Jared stated in a gentle voice.

The instant Chloe heard that, her heart ached. ‘Such gentleness should’ve been mine.’

Unfortunately for her, Nicole had taken Jared's heart away, so much so that a once-popular movie star like her did not even register in his eyes, and that pissed her off.

"Yeah." Nicole answered bashfully as she blushed with her head lowered, before entering the house with her mother. Jared curled his lips. He loved it whenever she was shy.

Sean then led the rest of the people behind Nicole into the house.

Daniel, on the other hand, did not forget to thank Jared." Thanks again, Jared."

"You're welcome. I'll be heading off first then.” Jared nodded slightly.

“Alright. Drive safe,” Daniel said, giving Jared a gentle smile.

"Yeah." Jared nodded, giving a short answer as he turned around and left.

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