My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1587

Chapter 1587

Chapter 1587

Chapter 1587

None of them cared about her or even asked her if she was okay.

‘Are they planning to leave me here?' Norah thought to herself.

However, she did not dare to call Daniel and Sean. She also had no idea as to why Gloria had blocked her number, but she highly suspected that Nicole was the culprit. The only thing she could do was wait for her brother at the school to find out what was happening.

Norah took a deep breath and forced out a smile. "I figured that my brothers would be here on the first day of school, so I came to wait for you guys.”

Samuel's expression became even more awkward, for Norah had addressed him as her brother, even when there were many people around them.

Unable to feel comfortable with what she had done, he said. "Norah, Dad has already said that you shouldn't call me your brother anymore. Just call me Samuel."

Norah's smile froze after she heard what Samuel had just said. She would have slapped him if he was somebody else.

Fortunately, she held herself back.

Instead, she stopped smiling and wore a pitiful grimace instead, "Okay, Samuel..."

It was only then that Spencer and Samuel felt more comfortable. Nicole, on the other hand, was amused by the way Norah acted.

Sean had been busy, and he had not told his family about the results of the investigation. However, Norah was the one who could not wait, and that was why she had come to look for Samuel and Spencer.

Nicole only ignored her because she had been living with the Riddles for so many years and she did not want to put Gloria on the spot.

However, the Riddle family had made their stance clear to her, so there was no reason for Nicole to keep enabling her.

Nicole took a step forward, and in an icy voice, she said," Norah, please put that pitiful look away. Other people would think that our family is mistreating you if they see you like this."

Spencer and Samuel only began to realize that what Nicole said was very true after hearing that.

They would probably get wind from the outsiders, saying that the heartless Riddle brothers had turned against their older sister again.

Spencer's tone became stern as he asked, “Norah, just tell us why you came here."

"Yeah. You should avoid coming here to look for us in the future,” Samuel added.

The brothers sounded really stern. They were neither too soft nor too loud, and the passersby could hear what they were saying.

Norah gave off the look which implied that she would not stop pestering Nicole, and her face was burning as if she had just been slapped.

"Isn't that Norah Riddle?” one of the people in the crowd asked.

"I heard that she was chased out of the house after the Riddle family found their real daughter..."

"What? She even boasted that she lived in the Riddle residence just last semester...”

The bystanders buzzed about.

Norah could not bear the humiliation anymore as she angrily yelled, "Do you think I want to be here? I'm homeless now, and yet all of you just left me at the hotel. Are you guys trying to mess with...?"

With a loud smack, Nicole slapped Norah before she could even finish her sentence.

At this point, Norah was just trying to tarnish the Riddle family's reputation, the very same family which had raised her for so many years. Not only did she not appreciate what they had done for her, she had also defamed them publicly.

Norah was left in a daze after Nicole had slapped her. There was blood on the edge of her lips, the coppery tang of which she could even taste.

That slap was simply too powerful, and Norah had never been slapped like that before. To add salt to the wound, Nicole had done that in front of everyone.

Norah widened her eyes and looked at Nicole in shock. "Did you... just slap me?"

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