My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1602

Chapter 1602

Chapter 1602

Chapter 1602

Nicole raised her eyebrows slightly, 'I did not expect her to be so courageous by slashing her throat and committing suicide...but then again, she didn't die, so it's very likely that it was just another one of her tricks"

She then looked at Daniel and Steve before asking, "Well then, why did you ask me to come here?"

‘I am not interested in Norah's affairs, and I don't even wish to pay attention to any of it" she thought.

Daniel sighed.

"Norah may be out of prison for now, but we're afraid that once she gets discharged, she might think of ways to hurt you again..."

Not expecting her father to have so much care for her, Nicole beamed, unable to hide the smile any longer.

"It's okay, she won't be out of jail for long," she replied.

‘Though it was one of Norah's diabolical plans, she had underestimated what Jared was capable of.But to think of such petty ways to escape being imprisoned? That's clever of how.I've got to give her that" Nicole thought.


Steve was taken aback by Nicole's sudden burst of confidence, and had a hard time believing what she had said.

"Don't worry, within five days, she'll definitely return to prison,"

Nicole stated with absolute confidence.

Sean saw right through Nicole and understood what she meant right away.

"As long as we know what's going on with Norah, what we need to discuss is the next big thing."

As soon as Sean had spoken, he handed Nicole a folder.

Within the folder, Nicole caught sight of various information about the Fisher family.

It was updated with all of the recent crises suffered by the Fishers.

That was when her eyes glinted with understanding of the situation.

Nicole had not contacted the Fishers because she had already guessed that they would not be good business partners.

As of now, everyone was eager to cooperate with the Riddle family and would be more than willing to terminate their collaborations with the Fishers.

Nicole's eyes narrowed slightly as she continued to peruse all that was within the folder.


The Fisher family was in a crisis, and yet, they had planned to unite a few new families and some businesses that were at odds with the Riddle family.

These new families and companies were the ones that did not have much of ahistorical background, were not a part of the alliance formed due to the Reby Family Crest, and were they controlled by it.

In addition, there were a few century-old families who did not care about their ancestral decrees, and had not attended the banquet that the Riddles had hosted.

Nicole analyzed what each of those families were capable of, and found that they were not weak.

Yet, she would be overwhelmed if she were to unite them under the Riddle family.

"Don't worry about it.We can think of other ways to deal with them later," Nicole said, calm and without a hint of being flustered.

Steve was impressed by Nicole.

"I think so too, but then...since you're not perturbed by it.Do you perhaps know a thing or two about business management?"

During the time Nicole had spent at home, her identity was continuously exposed, and so, it was no surprise that she did not know a lot about business management.

Nicole shook her head.

"I haven't learned much on the business side of things."

Sean felt what she said made sense.

After all, Nicole was sent to receive special training from a young age.

"However, due to some requirements at work, I could only understand the discrepancies in the reports.After all, we had to monitor a few companies in secret," she said.

As soon as those words were uttered, Sean and Steve shared a look.

Based on their previous experiences, they felt that Nicole was not as simple as she made herself out to be.

‘If she can monitor any abnormalities within the companies, she can definitely notice any problems with the accounts and other materials in a glance"

Daniel knew deep down that his daughter's skills should not be underestimated, but he said nonetheless, "Though it is a bit too early for me to say this, you ought to know that there are many people with their eyes on you, your identity, and everything right now.Even if you're busy with school, you should go and learn more about the company during your free time and help your brothers out.Learn a thing or two about business management."

Nicole was the holder of the Fire Crest after all.

The value she possessed influenced those who cooperated with the Riddle family.

Sooner or later, Nicole herself would join the company.

Hence, it was only right for her to learn about the company affairs as soon as she could.

"Okay, I understand."

Nicole nodded her head, 'I ought to listen to my parents' advice."

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