My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614

Jared's statement prompted everyone to place their cutlery down and look at him.

Daniel smiled kindly. “Just say whatever you want, Jared.”

Jared looked at Daniel gently. "I'm already engaged with Nicole, and I think we should put our wedding on the agenda now.”


All five of Nicole's brothers were perplexed.

‘Why is this guy in such a rush to get married?!"

‘We just found Nicole not long ago! It's not easy for US to become this close with Nicole.’

‘We don’t mind their engagement, but he wants to get married now? And take our sister away from US?!

Even Gloria and Daniel were in shock.

Mrs. Wallace Sr. was confused as well, but she knew that Jared and Nicole had special identities, so she did not say anything.

Samuel was the first one who voiced his disagreement. "I object! It hasn't even been a year since Nicole came back to us! I'm not done spending time with her yet!"

‘If they get married, Jared will definitely take Nicole away,’ he thought.

Spencer was not happy about it either, but he was calm. "Even if we do agree, Nicole is not at the age of marriage yet. It's pointless to rush it, Mr. Johnston."

Jared looked at Samuel and Spencer cheekily as he said in a challenging tone. "We can get married in Panem.”

“"Panem?!" Everyone was stumped when they heard it.

Spencer and Samuel did not expect Jared to play that card. They exchanged looks as if they did not know what Jared was trying to do.

But Sean looked at Jared, intrigued. "Sure, you're very sincere, Mr. Johnston. The legal age to marry in Panem is 16, but you won't ever be able to divorce Nicole once you get married. Are you sure about that?”

The legal age to marry in Panem was 16, but getting a divorce was illegal.

Samuel and Spencer were surprised, as were Gloria and Mrs. Wallace Sr. However, they were surprised at the loyalty Jared had for Nicole. He had never considered divorcing her at all.

Both Gloria and Mrs. Wallace Sr. were moved...

"Jared, I didn't know you'd do so much for Nicole." Though Gloria thought that Nicole was too young to marry, she still found it very touching.

Daniel was also shocked at the fact that Jared would think of doing something like this just to get married to Nicole earlier.

Jared could tell that Daniel was hesitating, so he said, "Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Riddle. I will take responsibility for Nicole for the rest of my life. I will never let her down, and I will treat her the best I


Nicole did not expect Jared to have this idea as well. On top of that, she did not expect him to make such a promise before her family. A complicated feeling arose in her heart...

Jared's love felt heavy and warm at the same time, filling her with a sense of comfort.

She had never thought that she would meet a man like him, who would vow to her family that he would treat her well. Her parents were there, Mrs. Wallace was there, and her brothers were there too. Nicole wanted to remember this moment for the rest of her life. Her heart was full.

Daniel eyed Jared's look of seriousness and took a deep breath. "I know you've been great to Nicole, Mr. Johnston. However, we can only give our blessings to you. Ultimately, the decision is Nicole’s to make..."

Daniel looked at Nicole. He knew that she had her own opinions and that she did not need anyone to decide for her. He would support her regardless of her decision.

Sean looked at Nicole as if he was already missing her. "Nicole, what do you think?"

He even sounded like he was missing her already.

Nicole could feel that Sean and the rest of her brothers were looking at her with a sense of longing, as they did not want her to leave the house too soon...

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