My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1717

Chapter 1717

Chapter 1717

Chapter 1717

‘Why did he become Harvey's pawn after he had gone out?" Nicole wondered.

However, Edwin smiled at Nicole innocently, and because of this she could not condemn him.

After all, he had no idea about what happened between her and Harvey.

Back then, Harvey was nice at times, and she even thought that they could be friends.

But now, they truly could not go back to the way it used to be.

Even though that was the case, she could not stop the members from finalizing the decision, so she said, "Well then, according to your assessments, Harvey Ellison will be the vice president.Whatever the former president had not managed to complete, please discuss it with me.As for the new tasks, please hand them over to Harvey for now."

"Okay!" everyone said in unison.

Still, Harvey was sharp enough to recognize that Nicole was implying that they would be minding their own business, and would therefore not be working with each other.

'What a nice plan, but I won't let her succeed."

"Yeah, but this year is our school's anniversary.I'm afraid the president has to work on some of the school anniversary- related tasks too.Let's do it together," he argued.

Nicole was caught off guard, as she did not expect him to make a move so soon.

'He wants to work on things and spend time with me now? Over my dead body!’

‘I reply, Nicole stated, "Never mind that.I just joined the school this year, so I didn't get to attend the ceremony for the previous year.Everyone here must be more experienced than I am, so the vice president will handle it fully.He will work with the university student union members."

Harvey's expression darkened as he did not expect Nicole to be so cunning.She actually declined the opportunity to work with him again, with Edwin not saying much about it either.

However, Nicole was not afraid of anything and continued to look into the other issues that needed sorting out.

She quickly assigned the tasks to the right people and ended the meeting before leaving.

Though the other members were still busy with their discussions, Harvey packed his things and left either way.

By then, Nicole was about to round a corner when she felt an arm reaching out toward her.

Without hesitating, she grabbed and twisted it at once, producing a loud crack as she was on the verge of breaking.

Harvey doubled over and fell on one knee on the ground at that instant, but instead of uttering a sound, he just glared at her in response.

"What do you want?"

Nicole threw his arm and looked at him with a blank expression on her face.

'How dare he follow me? If I was more forceful, he would've broken his arm!"

Harvey shook his aching arm and smiled.

"You're really cruel to me.We're friends, and grandma likes me a lot.Don't you feel sorry for treating me like this now?"

He bent over while he was talking, trying to move closer to her.

But Nicole took a step back as she cast an icy gaze over him.

"Harvey, I have told you from the very beginning that I hate you.Don't get me wrong.I'm really thankful for the help you've given've crossed the line."

Harvey's expression darkened.

"You know I've never wanted to just be friends with you."

He only befriended her because he wanted to be more than just that to her, but it was also then that she got engaged to Jared.

That very thought would always drive him to the verge of insanity.

Nicole stared at Harvey emotionlessly and said, "And that is the reason.If you didn't have other intentions, we can honestly still be friends."

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