My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1727

Chapter 1727

Chapter 1727

Chapter 1727

‘I have no place in this company at all!' "No... No...

Dad won't do this to us..." Miley was still trembling, her face in disbelief.

Damien, however, let out a frenzied laugh.

"What sort of father is he? He got me to manage the company when it wasn't doing well, and now that business is booming, he handed it to Daniel instead! That old coot!"

Damien had always respected Mr. Riddle Sr. and had never been so angry before! “My love, you have an idea on how to deal with this, right?" Miley grabbed onto Damien's hand.

"We can't split the family up...

It'll be over for us if that happens..." All of their projects were affected now and they will most likely not be able to secure any good projects from now on, with all of the best projects going to Daniel and his family.

He did not want to just be parasites that only get a few million a year at the mercy of others! Damien's eyes turned gloomy as he looked outside the window.

" It's not like I don't have an idea...

Worse comes to worst, we'll be fighting all out." He snorted coldly as an idea formed in his mind.

Chloe had never seen her father looking so terrifying before, but how she wished her father had taken a harsher stance earlier and struck against Nicole! ‘That bitch should just die already!' Everett heard all of this from upstairs but did not head down.

‘It looks like the plan needs to be expedited..." The next day, Nicole went to school as usual but her father and brothers had gone to the company to start the process of distinguishing the company's various departments and performances.

It was imperative that they split the family up, and they needed to be quick and decisive.

With trouble brewing at home, Nicole did not think that it would be brewing at school as well.

Just as she got to the classroom block, a large bucket of water was poured down from upstairs.

Thankfully, Nicole deftly dodged it.

Yet, when she looked up, there was no one at all.

On the way to the library, someone tried to snipe her with a slingshot too! These sort of tricks were nothing to Nicole as she tilted her head sideways and dodged the shot! Before she left, she hissed coldly, "Amateurs, childish!" The few people hiding in the dark suddenly panicked.

When it was the afternoon self-study session, when both Nicole and Gary were on their way to the training class, there was water on the ground and when Nicole saw it, she deftly leaped over it.

Gary was not as lucky and did not see it at all.

He had already stepped into the water by the time he saw Nicole jumping over it.

Before he could even react, Gary felt like he was being electrocuted the next moment! And he immediately fell, kneeling on the ground! "Ugh! WwW It was only when Gary grunted in pain that Nicole realized something was not right! When she turned back, she saw him kneeling stiffly on the ground.

And he was about to collapse! “Damn you! You got electrocuted!" Nicole did not have time to dither as she quickly looked for the nearby switch.

Sure enough, she saw the water dispenser nearby had a leakage and quickly unplugged it.

It was only then that Gary was saved and his body immediately relaxed.

His hair on the other hand, all stood up because of the electricity.

"Gary! Are you alright?" Nicole helped Gary up as she said witha helpless look on her face.

"How are you so stupid? Didn't you see water on the floor?" Gary shook his head, trembling.

"I didn't..." Nicole did not have time to think as she immediately lifted Gary by the shoulder and said, "Hang in there.

I'll take you to the infirmary right away!"

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