My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731

However, Ryder still seemed furious.

"She had hurt my brother! I can't forgive her that easily!"

'Did you really think that the Finley family is one you can toy with?! Nicole laughed and replied to Ryder, "Gary's fine.He was putting on a show just now.I think he should be sent back here by the ambulance soon."

Sure enough, as soon as Nicole finished speaking, an ambulance siren came from the school's gate and drove in.

Gary got down from the ambulance with flair.

Then, he looked up to the third floor and saw Nicole standing there with Ryder.He shouted, "Have you caught the culprit?"

After he said those words, Snow finally came to a realization.

"All...all of you purposely lured Alverlyn to confess just now! Gary's fine! Nicole glanced at Snow.

"I guess you're not that dumb after all.However, it's too late for that.Go, pack your things, and leave quietly!"

These two sisters, Nicole had given them way too many second chances! And yet they did not appreciate any of it, so no one could call her cruel.

"Nicole...What a bitch! Did you think you'll be fine after chasing me out? For someone like you, there will definitely be people who'll get rid of you in the future!"

Snow was yelling on the floor crazily.

However, Nicole was unbothered.

She leisurely walked downstairs.

Ryder also glanced at Snow coldly.

Since his brother was fine, he would not deal with her anymore.

Then, Ryder followed after Nicole and murmured, "I did not expect you to be so good at this."

Just now, Nicole's act of pushing Snow beyond the railing was terrifying.

Even a man like Ryder would not dare do such things.

"They were the ones who went overboard with their bullying.They've mistaken my kindness as opportunities to be crueler."

Nicole lifted her chin and glanced at Ryder.

"You should go back.I'll go to the principal's office to report this matter."

"Oh, okay..."

Ryder was a prefect, and yet he had to listen to Nicole.

Seeing that Nicole had gone downstairs, Ryder walked toward Gary and smiled at him.He was in a daze.

It was not until Nicole brought Gary to the school's office that Ryder regained his senses.

He shook his head and went back to his class.

While walking back, the more he thought about it, the stranger he felt.

‘Hold on, Gary's fine.But the one that stepped up was me.

‘After going around the bush, I was toyed around by Nicole! ' At that thought, Ryder felt sad.

But inexplicably, it also felt good to be toyed by her.

"Ryder, have you gone mad?"

While muttering, Ryder gave himself two slaps to wake himself up.

In the blink of an eye, school had ended.

As Nicole stepped out of school, Samuel and Spencer were waiting eagerly.

"Nicole! We heard what happened! Snow has been expelled!"

"You're amazing! I saw the video of you pushing Snow up the railing!"

"Yeah, Nicole, you're so cool!"

Samuel could not contain his excitement.

Nicole laughed shyly.

"She went overboard with her bullying."

'She thought of electrocuting me to death and actually had the intention of killing me.I couldn't let go of her easily."

"Mr.Ellison had personally issued an order to expel Snow and to never accept her anymore! She's been blacklisted!"

Spencer was also excited.

"Who asked them to be so prideful? Now, they've even lost a seat in this school!"

‘Well, let's see if they dare to act this ruthlessly again!'

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