My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1776

Chapter 1776

Chapter 1776

Every company had its dirty laundry.

The Riddles will definitely be in trouble after the Howdy Corporation exposed them and informed the relevant departments about it! ‘Even if the Riddle family has the Fire Crest, it wouldn't matter anymore!' Colton and Mr.

Howde were overjoyed as they thought about that.

Colton said happily, "Here's to tearing the Riddle Corporation down!" "A toast!" Mr.

Howde clinked glasses with Colton.

They felt very good because they thought that the expert hackers that they hired would get through the Riddle Corporation's cybersecurity system.

However, the two hackers who were sitting behind them shouted out of nowhere.

"Damn it! What's going on?!" "They just modified their security system!" Colton and Mr.

Howde were shocked after they heard them.

Then, they looked over.

Then, the alarm on the hackers' computer went off.

"Sh*t! We're getting tracked!" "They're countering us with a trojan!" "This isn't good!" “My computer!" The hackers yelled one after another.

They tried their best, smacking on their keyboards, but both of their computer screens went completely dark in less than two minutes anyway! “F*ck! My computer!" "Oh, no! Everything's gone!" They were professional hackers, and their computer setup could easily be worth more than ten thousand dollars.

So, their computers were the most precious thing in the world to them! They did not expect that this job would cost them so much! Other than them, the other amateur hackers were experiencing bluescreens too! Their windows kept moving uncontrollably as if the person on the other side of the computer was making fun of their incompetence! “What's wrong?!" Colton asked after noticing that something was not right.


Howde was aware of that too.

He immediately put down his glass and walked over to the hackers.

"What's going on? What's happening to your computers?" Even though he was not a hacker, he knew what a bluescreen and black screen indicated.

The two main hackers’ screens were completely dark.

All of their helpers had bluescreens, and their windows were moving uncontrollably while some unknown symbols kept popping up.

One of the hackers got anxious as he turned around and yelled at Mr.

Howde, "Your men told us that they're using the same security system as the Finley Group, but that's not the case at all! Their internal system is way more advanced! "Only the officials could use such a system! It's not something we can crack!" "The officials?" Even though Colton did not really understand what the hacker was saying, he knew what he meant by the officials.

"Are you saying that the Riddle Corporation changed their system, and the system...

belongs to the officials?" ‘How's that possible? The Riddle Corporation is just a business organization.

They don't work for the country! How can they get their hands on the officials' cybersecurity system?’ "That's right! And they're using a very sophisticated defense system too! All of our computers were hacked and can't be used anymore!" That hacker shifted his gaze to his own computer, and his heart shattered.

''This is all your fault! Pay for my loss!" “Mine too! You've got to compensate us for intentionally concealing the truth from us!" "That's right! Pay us back!" All the other hackers stood up and demanded compensation from them.


Howde was blue in the face.

"Nonsense! Our men found that they were using the same system as the one Finley Group! How could you blame me for your own mistake?!" Colton did not dare talk back anymore after seeing how big of a trouble Mr.

Howde got himself into.

Colton quickly tried to calm him down.

"They're all hackers.

You'd better not mess with them or the confidential information of your company..."

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