My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1793

Chapter 1793

Chapter 1793

Colton could also feel that something weird was going on. 'What is going on? Why does Daniel and Nicole seem to be so calm? It's as if...they knew what was coming.'

"It must have been no easy feat. No wonder our company's server got invaded earlier this morning. So, it was you who did it." Sean looked at Mr. Howde grimly while his hands were still on the phone.

When Mr. Howde heard that they had faced a breach this morning, he became even smugger about it. "That's right, it was me! Now, my company has a copy of all of your vital information! Sean, Steve, I'll just lay it out right here, and right now, even though you've won the bidding last time. If you'd like to keep the business for the Riddle Corporation running, you better back out and return the project to us!"

They did not expect Mr. Howde to fantasize about getting the project back for himself.

Hearing this, Steve could not help but laugh. "Fools show up every year, but as of this year, we seem to be getting a lot of them. Mr. Howde? Do you actually think you have what it takes to threaten the Riddle Corporation? I suggest you return home and reflect on yourself!"

Mr. Howde's face turned dark, "How dare you pick a fight with me? You better be careful. I'll send your accounts to the tax bureau tomorrow!"

Spencer and Samuel instantly panicked upon hearing that.

At that point, Sean was already too tired to continue playing along with Mr. Howde, and so, he smirked. "Mr. Howde, you're really an interesting person. You're actually interested in accounts done by an intern."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Howde was stunned, as he seemingly had not caught what Sean was talking about.

However, Colton had already sensed that something was off.

Sean's expression turned icy as he continued, "Take a look at the account statement you showed me. Has it been stamped by the company's law accountant? That is just a practice statement done by an intern who is learning how to manage the accounts. All the numbers have been filled in randomly. Can't you tell?"

"What? How is that possible?" Mr. Howde was shocked.

He quickly zoomed into the picture on his phone, and sure enough, there was no stamp on it!

'But, how is that possible?'

If it was something that the world's best hacker had dredged up, it should be the most useful one! However, Mr. Howde had gone through everything and these two documents were indeed the most detailed ones. Therefore, it made little sense as to why they were not stamped.

"It does not matter whether it's possible or not. What matters the most is that there isn't any stamp on it. Even if you manage to send it to any of the relevant authorities, we could claim that you've forged these."

Sean playfully got up and looked at Mr. Howde, thinking that the expression on Mr. Howde's face seemed musing that day.

"You!" Mr. Howde was so angry that he was rendered speechless.

Knowing that he might have been fooled, Mr. Howde quickly went through the other documents. However, none of them were stamped either.

It was at that moment that he knew that he had been fooled!

"D*mn it! I was fooled!" Mr. Howde turned around and looked at Colton. "That hacker gave me useless information!"

"How could it be? How about your money?" Colton asked in utter surprise.

Indeed, the price to hire hackers was not cheap, and yet, he had received a bunch of garbage. That was unfair!

Nicole had never expected to witness Mr. Howde and Colton's interesting expressions with her own eyes.

"The money, I've already transferred it an hour ago..." Mr. Howde's face turned pale.

He never thought that he would meet a scammer on an international hackers' platform.

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