My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813

"Alright," Gary nodded in agreement.

With gloomy expressions on their faces, Wayne and Jack said, "How could this b*stard drag Ms. Emerson down? She's ruining our class reputation."

"Exactly! I have never seen someone so irritating before!"

Gary did not react well to this situation at all, since it was his own class being raked over the coals. He was not pleased that such a person had ruined his reputation. Unfortunately, they had to endure it, as they had sworn not to abuse women.

Nicole walked out of the computer lab and spotted the duo of Lulu and June with a bunch of other students who were standing at the door, watching the drama.

Nicole frowned at the sight right away. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Lulu chuckled while covering her mouth. "Nicole, We all saw what happened. You were amazing!"

"That's right. You even solve Ryder's task!"

Initially, they were all there to witness Regina's failure. Who would have known that they were able to watch such a scene with Nicole in the picture?

Nicole raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, he sucks."

The crowd could not help but look at her in a different light. Everyone knew that the Finley brothers were very talented in regards to computer systems. They were the ones in charge of the school's forum and security cameras. Yet, Nicole's rightful comment about how mediocre Ryder's skills were was a testament to how talented she was in turn.

Not wanting to dwell on the topic, she said to them, "Hurry up. Go back. Class is about to start. Aren't you scared of being caught by the teacher standing here?"

June laughed. "Can you believe that the rube went to meet the teacher to register for the competition? We couldn't resist the urge to follow her and see what she could do."

Lulu chimed in, "I didn't expect her to be so shamelessly confident. She really thought that her computer was broken moments ago. Hahaha!"

Apparently, everyone saw everything that had happened just now. Nicole recalled the scene where Regina was fumbling with her computer and found it interesting too. Ryder might have never encountered such a person before, as his face had turned green from frustration.

"Alright, you've seen enough of the drama. Let's go back," Nicole said.

Just as the crowd was about to leave, they heard the computer lab door swinging open and Regina rushing out. There was still loud laughter emanating from inside the lab.

Lulu and the others outside immediately realized that Regina was escaping the mockery she was being subjected to. "Oh look, isn't that our computer genius?" Lulu sarcastically remarked.

Then, June chimed in at the side. "I wonder, who was the shmuck who thought her computer had broken down? Hahaha!"

Regina was already subjected to a great deal of ridicule inside the lab, but now, she was mocked again as she came out.

Unable to take it anymore, she angrily turned to Nicole. "Nicole Wallace! Were you the one who said something to them!?"

Nicole narrowed her brows. No one here had ever called her by that name before.

At that point, her voice instantly deepened. "Regina, you were the one who embarrassed yourself by overestimating your abilities. Don't make a fuss here."

Refusing to heed Nicole, Regina retorted, "I'm the one making a fuss? You know what I think? You're singling me out! You're doing that because I used to be better than you in every conceivable way!"

As soon as Regina said this, the crowd's expressions were marred with confusion and anger.

"Pfft hahaha!" Lulu was the first who erupted into a fit of laughter. "Hey, girl. This is your first day. We initially wanted to cut you some slack, but aren't you a little too full of yourself? You, a country bumpkin, who couldn't even understand computers, dare to compare yourself to Nicole?"

June, who could not bear to listen any longer, stepped forward. "Our class president is truly talented. She achieves full marks in every exam. She's the well-deserved top student in our grade. Last semester, she even got first place in the Math Olympiad. She's elected as the student council's president this semester! How dare you compare yourself to her?!"

June's every word struck her like thunder, leaving Regina in shock.

"First place in the grade... president of the student council...?" Regina said slowly.

'How is that possible? She was just here a few months earlier than me. Although I knew she had good results, I didn't know she was good enough to get first place in Royal Creek Institute,' Regina thought.

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