My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1824

Chapter 1824

Chapter 1824

"You're right. I don't have to worry much about Spencer and Samuel since they're still so young. I'm only worried for both Sean and Steve. One of them is too blind to notice what's right in front of him and the other still dares to be self-conflicted even when she had already returned. Merely looking at their predicament made me anxious. Your assistance was a nice touch," Gloria noticed Nicole's intentions and felt relieved.

"Only you truly understand how I felt."

Nicole smiled brightly, Jared noticed how worried she was for her brothers and was a little jealous, "You care so much about others' affairs, but when will you care as much about our affairs?"

Nicole was suddenly embarrassed, "Didn't I already make a promise..."

Jared raised his eyebrows, "You promised, but when will you start making it happen?"

Nicole noticed Jared's eagerness to take their relationship to the next level. Gloria overheard their conversation and her eyes lit up, "I, too, think you should start making the preparations. Once you get your marriage registration, then the wedding reception can be held anytime you wish. No rush, of course."

"Mom...," Nicole looked awkwardly at Gloria. Gloria was a little reluctant to part ways with Nicole before, but after knowing that Nicole would still be living close by, her perception changed entirely.

Gloria hesitated a little before reminding Nicole, "I'm doing this for your own good. Mr. Johnston here is such a nice young man... many people dream to have someone like him, you should marry him as early as you can."

Jared grinned ear to ear, "Look, even Mrs. Riddle agreed to our marriage. Why don't you take this chance before others snatch me away?"

Nicole's eyes suddenly became determined, "I like to see who would dare to."

Nicole's true intentions from her sudden gesture made her look away in embarrassment for a moment while Jared and Gloria laughed at her.

Gloria nudged Daniel.

"Since your mother had said her piece, then you two should go and prepare a little. Since our family is now the talk of the town, the news of you two getting wed will be more exciting," Daniel said. Jared raised his eyebrows and thanked Mr. Riddle.

Nicole on the other hand was too embarrassed to talk, suddenly not knowing what to say. Jared glanced at her proudly and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Riddle, thank you for supporting us. If you have the time tomorrow night, my family would like to cordially invite you for a dinner together."

Gloria noticed that Jared had arranged a meeting with his family and wasted no time agreeing, "Okay, Mr. Riddle and I are available. So tomorrow night it is!"

"Mom..." Nicole did not expect Jared to be so hasty and straightaway suggested a dinner tomorrow night.

'The scariest thing about this is that my own mother had even agreed!'

At this moment, Spencer and Samuel walked over, "What's happening tomorrow? Why is Mom so excited?"

Gloria gave them a blank stare when she heard them asking, "It's none of your business, go eat!"

Spencer and Samuel acted flirtatiously, "Come on, Mom. Please tell us what's going on. What's the good news?"

Jared took a look at both Spencer and Samuel and said in a friendly tone, "The marriage between Nicole and I is on the agenda and I've invited both Mr. and Mrs. Riddle over to formally meet with my grandfather tomorrow."

As soon as he spoke, the smiles on both Spencer and Samuel's faces froze. When Jared proposed to Nicole prior, they were both very reluctant and now that Jared was going to have both sides of the family meet one another, it meant their marriage is imminent.

"Isn't my sister still busy with the drama filming?"

"Yeah, didn't she say she'll get married only after she finished filming her show?"

The both of them protested, hoping they can still hog their sister to themselves for at least a few more months.

Jared smiled proudly, "The filming for the drama had finished early."

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