My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1836

Chapter 1836

Chapter 1836

Damien totally did not expect Mr. Riddle Sr. to be so frank with him.

Although Damien was a little taken by surprise, he decided to be frank as well. "I'll readily admit that the reason the company's doing so well right now is because of Daniel's family. But the reason we survived this long is because of me breaking my back running the company. You shouldn't just discard my past contributions just like that..."

Mr. Riddle Sr. frowned. "Since when did I discard your past contributions? I just want you to make way for your betters. The Riddle family isn't yours alone. Only when the family and the company is in a good spot will everyone in the family enjoy its benefits. The company should be run by those who are most capable. You, of all people, should know this logic best."

When he heard the words 'make way for your betters', Damien clenched his fist tightly.

He could not help but to say mockingly, "So, father, you feel that I'm just hogging the position and doing minor work, like an extra, so you want me to make way for someone else, right?"

Mr. Riddle Sr. was surprised. "Damien, the reason I got you to manage the company back then was because you were the calmest and composed among the four brothers. Why are you being so difficult now?"

"It's because you're being biased!" Damien roared angrily. "Don't forget, the only reason Daniel's family is on the rise is because Nicole happened to be the inheritor of the Fire Crest! Yet, you've been using the excuse of not having enough manpower to get Sean, Steve and even Stanley, who hasn't even finished university into the company! What sort of position are you putting me and Dillon in? As mere window dressing in the company?"

"You!!!" Mr. Riddle Sr. was so angered he staggered a little.

Seeing that something was not right, Nicole immediately held Mr. Riddle Sr. as she spat angrily at Damien. "Uncle Damien, this isn't something Grandpa said, but you yourself! It looks like you at least have some self-awareness."

Having Nicole talk back to him, Damien was even more furious. "You have no place to speak here!"

However, Nicole sneered back at him. "Don't forget, Uncle Damien, I hold the majority of the shares in the company. Of course, I have a say!"

Nicole's words caused Damien to choke on his for a moment, but he immediately spat back. "Hah, so this is father's most beloved granddaughter, being so insolent after getting her hands on the shares. She's outright disrespectful to her elders now."

Seeing that Damien was mocking Mr. Riddle Sr., Nicole snapped back. "I wonder who's the one disrespecting their elders. Me, or you, Uncle Damien? Where's your respect for Grandpa?"

"You!" Damien was extremely frustrated, but he knew that he was unable to out-argue Nicole, so he could only yell. "You're good at twisting words!"

Nicole only sneered coldly in return. "You can mock me however you want, Uncle Damien, but you shouldn't be like that to Grandpa. It's not like he didn't give you a chance, but comparing the company you've managed in the past ten years to the company under my father now, don't you have any awareness of your own capabilities?"

Once again, Damien had his capabilities made fun of by Nicole and was furious. "What do you mean by that? Are you saying that I'm incapable?!"

Nicole was indifferent. "Ah, so you could figure that out. Good, it seems like you're not terminally foolish, at the very least."

"Nicole!!!" Damien was thoroughly enraged and wanted to step forward to hit her.

However, Daniel went and stood between Damien and Nicole as he grabbed Damien's hand. "Damien, no matter how overboard you went against me, I didn't mind it. But Nicole is my daughter, and it's not up to you to punish her."

As he said that, Daniel pushed Damien's hand away forcefully.

Damien could not help but be shocked.

'Is this the same Daniel that I used to boss around before?'

He was pissed. "Hahaha! Fine, Daniel, fine. I couldn't tell at all that you have such strength. So you've been playing meek all along, waiting for the right moment to strike. Now that you've made it big, I'm nothing to you now!"

Seeing that Damien was still trying to spew nonsense, Nicole frowned and said, "If you want to be something in someone's eyes, you should have either ability or honor. Tell me, Uncle Damien, which do you have right now?"

Damien glared at Nicole and yelled. "Don't you dare try to mock me! You think you have the right to talk about me after Grandpa gave you those shares? You're nothing if it weren't for the Fire Crest or Jared. Nothing!"

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